[Feedback] Vengeance, Epiphany & WotB need a visual update

I spend the majority of my time looking at the mini-map, so my guy is just a dot there. I can’t say that graphics was ever really that big a deal to me, as long as it’s not that old school pixelated look. I hate that.

A lot? Where do you see those? No likes for your post. A couple might have the same opinion, but I do not see this subject at all being discussed further than a couple of posts the last couple of years.

  • The change will not happen.

WotB animates were controversial from the beginning and even now when people saw that the skill is returning in D4 there have people voicing concerns about it.

Also don’t forget that I stated the hide the transformation effect as another alternative in the original post.

And there was also this post from ODT in this thread, which is a sentiment that large parts of the Diablo community had/have about WotB from the beginning, memeing WotB as “Super Saiyan”:

yeah, it would be cool if there would be an option that allows us to hide the minimap completely.

The last 2 posts about this subject, including this one, did not really get any upvotes.
They might change it for d4, but not this game. This runs on season themes changes.

It’s not that hard to understand. They ask about a cosmetic change, are told that the devs won’t spend time on such changes, they bring up a cosmetic change that was done less than two months ago. One that is not a seasonal effect. One that will arguably be seen more often as well.

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Where did I say I did not understand?
I wrote = they will not change the apperance of vengeance and so forth.

And your reasoning for WHY the devs won’t do that in your opinion was that “they only do cosmetic changes for seasonal things”, which clearly is not the case.

No. I just know there will be no change to the apperances. It was asked for for several years by now. If they didn’t change it by now, then you won’t get it. Understand this ( again ), they work in dI and d4…

  • You will not have a change of apperance…

Then just say it is based on your feeling. Nothing wrong with that.

The team and the approach to D3 has changed, even after most of team started to work on D4. For a while we thought we wouldn’t get any additional things and then every class got a new net and season themes got more sophisticated to what they were previously.

It would be unreasonable to not give feedback on something like that, that has a reasonable change to get through, especially when it is an Evergreen Change that is easy to implement.

“They” are not the Diablo Team.
“They” are the Classics Games Team.
“They” don’t work on D4 and Immortal.

Wasn’t the Classic Games Team disbanded?

Anyway, the point stands, Blizzards clearly have some amount of people (even if it is a fraction of one person) working on D3.

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not exactly sure.
maybe that has happened when Rod Fergusson became Executive Producer of the whole Diablo franchise, dunno, but it is a possiblitiy.

afaik it definitely is a specific, dedicated team continuing to work on D3.

I never said anything else than this. But they will not do it.

Cause they moved some people over to d4 to work on that instead and/or diablo immortal.
So they needed new ones to keep seasons going.

But some got moved over to thsoe departments.

It didn’t appear to me like that (that you said the whole time that it is just base on your feeling) because you keep hammering down your reasoning for “WHY” the devs in your opinion are not gonna make certain changes, which is factually wrong.

And the people that are there made cosmetic Evergreen Changes that do not just apply to one season, but also to non-seasonal and later seasons.

Pretty sure the entire game needs a visual resurgence.

That is called making a statement. I can never say for sure, since I don’t work there. But they will not change it, since it’s been asked for for years now and no change. There was a bug, where you couldn’t play if you were muted in game. They never fixed this while many have had this issue. And many other things…
They will not change this. For d4, I hope, but none for d3.

Fair enough.

… in your opinion, and that also will not make me not asking for it, especially when there is a reasonable likelihood of it happening, which from my perspective there is, even when you disagree with that, but that is fine.

I think that especially the Arcane Orb runes Spark, Scorch and Frozen Orb are in need of a visual upgrade, since they are basically just giant white / black dots. Obliteration could get improved graphics as well.

They even could use already existing animations for that:

Fireball from Agnidox (Rift Guardian) for Scorch

Ball Lightning from the Storm Chaser rune on Energy Twister:

Iron Wolf Frost Missile (from the Blood and Iron Bounty in Act 2) for Frozen Orb

Keeping on saying they wont change it because it is cosmetic and they don’t make those when they do is what I am talking about.

I agree that they most likely wont change it though.

Maybe the Geforce / Nvidia Graphic Filter can help.

I used it for a while and it worked decently, though not perfect.