[Feedback] Vengeance, Epiphany & WotB need a visual update

When they are active, it means you’re hardly focused on looking at how pretty your hair is because you’re too busy killing monsters.

I rarely look at my DH. I mostly depend on the audio cue to know when Vengeance has expired.

Ever since they added CC immunity to Vengeance, I find builds that don’t have perma-Vengeance to be very stifling. A change in the appearance would be cool, but I doubt I would think about it much after a few days.

Hiding option is the best here.

Hiding your transformation buff sure make feel like my character is “Mystic Gohan” from DBZ.

Simplistic for the win.

This is minor updates. There is a difference in this and some graphics for the core game.

Yes. I keep repeating this… So do READ…
They do season THEMES… Nothing more than this and some updates for sets. That’s it. You wont get a graphic update for vengeance nor anything else in that manner… Nothing.
They do updates for SEASONS…

I believe she just made the 2-d art. Everyone looking at the “new” Ethereal weapons can already tell that they’re existing weapons with some cyan sheen and jade shimmer. That’s a whole another subject compared to demanding a remodel of 3-d assets. On top of that, texture work is a bit more demanding than simple objects.

Rifts are the core game.

Creating the visual effects for Orek’s Dream Rifts is probably about as difficult / as much work to create some sort of particle aura effect for these transformation skills.

Which is why they made changes to GR’s and implemented Orek’s Dream, which are not just a seasonal thing, but an Evergreen change to the core game, that also applies to non-seasonal and all upcoming seasons, just like visual updates to some of these transformation skills would do?!

And apparently they also do updates for Evergreen stuff…

“A shimmer” is what I am trying to say when I refer to a D2 Full Set Aura. It wouldn’t be much more than that, just a few particles flying and glowing around your character.

This is why Ethereal Item in this context are such a good comparison, because these Aura Effects / Shimmer Effects are relatively easy to do.

Just type in “Aura Effect” or “Aura Effect gif” (+a color of your liking) into google image search and you already find a good amount of stuff.

The Barbarians WotB is model is definitely much more sophisticated and on another level that such an aura effect, but something on the level of the Barbarian’s WotB visuals is not what I am asking for / suggesting, but something much more simlistic.

Visibility is an issue with depth perception when you’re in the thick of action. Barbarians have dull color opposition on their avatar and grows larger in frame when WotB is active, that is enough for contrast to not matter. Monk and Demon Hunter doesn’t get any kind of frame differences, so their color is set to a blackish hue for better contrast with background and give clue about which distinct skillrune characteristic you’re using.
In short; I don’t think adding a glow around them would be any better for readability of combat area.

WotB is part of this game since release where they had time and resources; while Epiphany and Vengeance arrived late. Ethereals are an exact copy of existing items and they’re only given to the people who attended S24 to complete a Feat of Strength. I hope you’re aware what you’re asking and example you are giving doesn’t match.
It’d be nice to see a small difference but consideration laid into developers’ and hands of visual directors as always. So you shouldn’t be shocked if they didn’t make a move next season for a small cosmetic change.

how about transmogs for shapeshifters :slight_smile:

It is also about aesthetics.

It is NOT “adding” a glowing / shimmering aura, but rather replacing the current visuals with a glowing / shimmering aura.

There are also various glowing effects that exist in the game, which can be adjusted / multiplied, made larger and have their color changed, so it is on a very similar level as the ethereal items.

Making new rifts are not a part of it. They will not change the apperance of vengeance and so forth. The new rifts are a part of the season theme, hence why we got them.

But these changes will never happen. You and others need to understand = d4 is on it’s way and this is their focus.

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Weapons equipped on the character doesn’t matter on the combat flow. You don’t focus or look at the weapons you use when fireballs start raining upon your character. Weapons are just details, a number on your character sheet.
Aesthetics don’t hold weight compared to the visibility in tense combat where you have to see your position clearly to receive feedback of your actions. Such ultimate abilities come with some visual changes because they come with such bonuses that you’d like to make use of in a short time span.

Depends on how it apply. I just don’t see how D2 Set Complete aura which was only transparent texture work in legacy version, would help anything in Diablo 3 for visibility. A three dimensional model supposed to have radiant light all around it, like Conduit Pylon or Nephalem Glory. If you want it so much a simple aura beneath the character feet can be given but this would serve no purpose again.

Leave this to the hands of developers, if you don’t see anything next season then you’ll know, as they always keen on silently refusing ideas when it doesn’t fit the flow of the game.

Are we talking about the same thing here?
I am talking about Orek’s Dream’s (aka distinctively different looking GR maps with high density that have a chance to spawn in a GR), which also can be found on non-seasonal and will be on later seasons as well.

You may conflate that with the Echoing Nightmares, which is the theme for this season.

D4 being in development and D3 still getting some updates is nothing that is mutually exclusive and also not something that is unheard of in the gaming industry (regarding other games / franchises).

You seem to think that making a change to the visuals of Vengeance, Epiphany and WotB by default means that they become less readable during combat, but that is by default not the case as it depends on the execution.

It was the best example I could find at that point in time.

The shape of the effect and its colors certainly can be different.

But even when looking at the D2 Full Set Aura as it is, it certainly makes your char more visible, or at least I can’t see how it wouldn’t.

Sure, if there is a way to make an aura-like effect for these skills, they know how to do it, I was not suggesting otherwise, just dropping a few ideas/suggestions that would keep the original appearance.

I think they are planning ahead to some degree, similar to the WoW devs, but things can be moved around etc.

Oreks dream is nothing. They changed up the maps you can get in greater rift as well and added this.
I will repeat myself. They will not change apperances for vengeance etc. forms. They are focusing on d4. A new developer most likely means, that the previous one moved to d4 or dI.

My point is that they added a distinct visual look to this new (non-seasonal) Evergreen change, something that you said they would not do, which is why I am bringing it up.

I never said they wouldn’t change a rift feature. I said : they will not change the vengeance apperance together with the rest. There is a difference.

And according to you the reason for “why” that might be in your opinion, was “they only do visual stuff for season themes”, which clearly is not the case, because:

1 - they have made new visual / graphics / art stuff even in the past seasons
2 - they also have made new visual / graphics / art stuff for non-seasonal stuff

Not the only reason, if only you would read.
Those apperances are a core graphic design for the game. No such update has been made to change this. And never will be, cause they focus on getting d4 ready and dI to run smoothly when it comes to pc as well.

  • They will NOT change apperances like this at this time nor ever.

GR’s aren’t?

And let’s not forget turning the 3headed Hydras into 5headed Hydras for the Typhon set.

They are clearly interested in keeping some momentum to D3, and some easy to do Evergreen Changes to the mostly/generally disliked graphics of Vengeance, Epiphany and WotB is certainly welcome.

I also stated =
They change things for seasons.

This is subjective and not a lot of supporters, as you can read in this thread, about this change.

  • It will never happen.

What do you mean by that?

The new sets the classes got, with Typhon being the set for the Wizard, are not specific to or for seasons.

Indeed, but a lot of people share this sentiment.
E.g. the animations for WotB were widely disliked by the community from the beginning.