Favorite class and builds

For me it will always be Barb. I play Hardcore and have dabbled in every class, but Barb will always be my first, my most aesthetically pleasing, and most nostalgic playing experience. I love the skills and the gear.
Whirlwind is my fav(I love the intricacies of the build and the rolls you need to make it work best), closely followed by HOTA and LeapQuake.

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Wizard for me. Currently Vyrs, Tals meteor is probably my favorite build followed by lwiz and RGK Lwiz. I don’t miss twister wiz and stacking twisters on corners.

DH is my favorite Class. I really enjoy running a UE and the other builds have lots to offer in the way of changing up your play style as the mood hits.

Invoker, because it is closest to true arpg characters. Sadly it doesn’t get much attention from devs as well as from community and still has lot of broken issues in my humble opinion.


I am interested in trying Invoker, what is broken about it? Isn’t it one of the top builds for sader?

well i have a thread about it here Important Invoker issues that should be fixed. It is one of the top builds for sader, but unfortunately not very efficient in group play thanks to some broken spells like provoke. Solo it has now even bigger problem, with crimson set equiped, that fixes crusaders high cooldowns and low skill durations ,you often run at the end of rift unable to finish rift and so on.

Currently DH is my killer. But my faves are lazy builds like WD Gargantuans build. Not botting or pushing LB. My current go to for fun build is Monk Wave of Light, boom, dropped bomb on monsters, boom, easy peasy. About the easiest, laziest build I can do. I can watch TV, BBQ, and play with the dogs while running WOL build.

DH CC Multishot, don’t play other classes at all, at least not in season…

Here’s a video of a Whirlwind Barbarian in real life.

I love me my Channel builds on a Wizard, typically using LoN or LoD. The only set I’ve actually liked using is DMO on the Wizard and Akkan on the Crusader. Sets in general feel way too constricting for me as you have to use very specific skills to get any use out of them.

Favorite class is easily Monk. As for builds I’ve been playing a lot of Sunwuko lately but that’s mostly because of how well it performs. Inna’s will always be my favorite though; I love seeing all the allies running around. I’d like to see them do a build that focuses more on the ally damage (like the old Inna’s where the allies copied your spirit spenders) rather than just boosting your own damage.

LoD Darts - Push
LoD PetWalker - Keys
HT/Chicken - Bounties

I love dh shadow impale

The Ninja/Assassin theme is such a cool concept and it’s a very unique playstyle compared to typical demon hunter builds.
And once you had the luxury of endless vaults you never wanna go back to anything else

My favorite class has always been wizard since Diablo 3 launched, with my favorite build being just about anything archon related; as such my favorite set also happens to be the vyr set as well. Not too fond of chantodo though, since I would like the archon abilities themelves to do damage (at least far more than they do now).

First time playing Wiz and I’m having a blast with Vyrs. So that’s definitely up there but I have to give the slight edge to DH.

Barb: leapquake and whirlwind
2nd place DH

my favor is always Necromancer - old LoN (Legacy of Nightmares) Lancer and new LoD (Legacy of Dreams) Lancer Builds, so fast and so strong with high paragons.

Witch Doctor and Barbarian have always been my favorites. Sader is a close third. I’m not a fan of monk or wizard, though I have been having more fun with wizard this season than I have ever had before.

Jade WD is my favorite WD build.
Crimson WW is my favorite Barb build.
Invoked is my favorite Sader build.
Impale is my favorite DH build.
DMO twister is my favorite wizard build.
Pestilence is my favorite Necro build, but it’s too squishy for HC and my lackluster ISP so I have been sticking with Inarius bone storm.

Since buying the necro pack I haven’t spent much time on that hero. I’ve been wanting to necro more of a try. Do you have an updated build guides for the builds you mentioned and how high are you hitting?

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Monk, Sunwuko WoL. :sunglasses:

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