Farming set bonuses for alts

Hello, forum community. It has been a long time since I played D3, and I had a question.

I want to make an alt character at level 1 decked out in all legendaries and a nice set, using level 25 gems of ease to make all the pieces equipable for level 1 characters.

I know I can craft legendaries, but is there any way, say, a Wizard can find a set piece for, say, a Demon Hunter at max level?

You don’t need to do that as long as you are playing a Seasonal character and unlocked one of the first few nodes of Altar, called Anointed. That will remove the level requirement but again, you still need to farm Gem of Ease and use that recipe to permanently reduce their level requirement.

Any character can find non-class items but only with 15% chance with equal weight. That means, as a Wizard you can find one out of six items at average for six other classes. That harshly diminishes your chances of looting a full Set for the very specific off-class you desire as each non-class drop have equal chance of being one or another.

Don’t try to farm anything, just craft from rare items you gambled by switching characters. I have no idea how reducing every item requirement down to one impact the gamble tables, so I can not comment on that. If Meteorblade is around I think he can give you a better idea for this whole side project of yours.

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Well, there’s no season available right now, so that point is moot. Also, what? Have I been out of touch that long? Damn.

I think I know what you’re talking about, but… what?

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If you want to make a DH build with your Wiz:

Upgrade hand crossbows until you a Nat’s Slayer. Do this 4x. Use convert set to get chest, boots, hat, gloves.

Upgrade hand crossbows until you get a Demon’s Demise

Get the rings/ammy you want with your Wiz, then when you make your DH, Mystic the int to dex at level 1.

Craft level 70 Guardians Shoulders and Bracers with your level 1 DH.

Craft level 70 Captain’s belt and pants with your level 1 DH.

This should get you 13/13 pieces of gear.

Cube you can RoRG, Chanon Bolter (upgrade 2h bows), and Trang Ouls Bracers (upgrade bracers with your DH).

Note: I usually don’t play Nat’s on DH so others might have some better gear choices. I simply copied the gear off the #1 LB Nat’s.

More Notes: Just tested and you should be able to upgrade rare with your DH on level 1 and get the 13 gear pieces you want, then augment with your GOE’s.


If you can wait 'till tomorrow, the new one starts. It has Altar of Rites in the middle of New Tristram, a new feature in Seasonal Adventure Mode. Start a new Seasonal character from scratch.

Seems so…?

Farm bloodshards, gamble specific class based items, such as Quivers, smelt the non-legendary ones and you’ll have plenty Veiled Crystals to fuel your crafting. I think Alexismad above explained well and saved me an awkward post. I’m not really good at leveling or equipping alts, if you can not tell.

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You mean the day after tomorrow: Friday, April 12, 2024.