Familiar: dusk prowler: plz squelch toggle

This pet is ungodly annoying, plz have a selection that I can mute this thing. Does this pet bother anyone else ?

I think you are on the wrong Forum. I have never seen nor heard such a pet in D3.


AFAIK, the only pet in D3 that make any sound is the goblin from the puzzle ring.

Did a quick Google search on “dusk prowler” or “familiar dusk prowler” to see if it was for D4 or Immoral, but the only Diablo related hit I got was this thread.

Yup. Or OP is having some sort of fever dream.


Diablo Immortal  Familiar, Duskprowler

Yep. Wrong forum.


It doesn’t bother anyone at all in Diablo III.

That’s because familiars are part of Diablo Immortal…

As Kilometer suggested, use the Diablo Immortal forums to suggest that it should be possible to mute the familiar’s sounds.

For clarification, when this familiar is the hero’s active one, it’s constantly mewling / meowing which can grind on the nerves. It’s why I changed to the dragon.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: