Have had no previous login problems since beta launch. Was playing game fine today 8/17 when kicked out. All attempts to re-enter game have failed, even after computer reboot. My internet connect is fine and I can play Diablo 3 fine. On launch of Diable 2: Connecting to BatleNet/Press any key to begin/Must be connected to BattleNet/OK, The cycle repeats itself.
Beta is over brother, til the 20th
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I’m running into the same issue.
Early Access Beta ended at 10am Pacific Time.
You can play again next weekend in the Open Beta
Start: Friday Aug 20th, 10am Pacific Time.
End: Monday Aug 23, 10am Pacific Time.
Actually they had let it overrun a bit… Cutoff was supposed to be an hour ago. lol
I didn’t know that. So when is the next one? It ended today 8/23 right?
AFAIK That’s it till Launch.