+Exp gear in follower?

How much +Exp gear can you stack on your follower and have it contribute? For instance, will a ruby with Leoric’s Crown, Hellfire ring, Cain’s 2-piece, and a Gem of Ease in a weapon all count, or is it just the +Exp as a secondary bonus rolled on gear?

If you look in your follower’s Details sheet, you should see a figure for +XP Per Kill.
Your hero gains 20% of that value.

Gem of Ease in follower’s weapon does not affect that value sadly.

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Well, shoot, it almost seems like a negligible source of extra experience.

Thanks, MB!

With an full on follower %XP setup including Leorics Crown(with ruby)/Signet, Hellfire ring, 2 piece Cain’s, and 3 piece Born’s you can get 4.5% extra XP.

And if you really want to maximize your xp setup you can probably add in 2000+ per kill aswell.

If I create a Hellfire ring with a Level 7 Wizard, will the ring roll Level 70?

I created the Wiz just to roll Int on items for the follower.

Pretty sure it only ever creates as level 1, since they can be used by anyone. But it has been a while since I last made one, as I prefer the amulet.

It is a completely insignificant amount of experience gained - Less then .001% of overall XP gain.

BAAACK in the day, Blizz allowed +%XP gear/stats to be shared with the group, I believe that it was half of what the player had or something. While full DPS builds couldn’t really get much +%XP gear, zDPS builds could and did stack the $%!^ outta it. Combined with XP on kill stats, this mean that zDPS significantly gained more XP per run then the damage-dealing players, to the point that zDPS essentially had 50% more paragon, and everyone wanted to be the zDPS.

Blizz nerfed the ever-loving $%!^ outta +%XP gear - First, they made it Additive rather then multiplicative - So rather then it being Torment multi X group multi X gear multi, it was just slapped on - and going from 16000% XP to 16050% XP is a very, very insignificant increase.

Additionally, Blizzard made it to where all +%XP gear became 90% less effective at lvl 70 - So it’s not 16050%, but instead 16005% bonus, even worse!

Finally, Blizz made it to where XP on Kill does NOT benefit from any +XP multiplier, at all. So while it’s significant at lower lvls of gameplay - both lvling and fresh 70, once you start speed-running GRs for XP it’s less then .000000001% of the XP earned.

Also, Followers only give you, what was it, 20% of their “treasure” stats (Magic, XP, and gold find), and apparantly their bonus gold find is additive to your total rather then multiplicative.

Thus, there is 0 point to attempting to acquire +XP gear beyond the initial 1-70 lvling experience. Equipping such gear will actually slow down your lvling speed, since otherwise you could equip gear that actually gives you a boost to damage, which is a boost to killing speed, which is a boost to lvling speed.

That’s actually not entirely true. I saw some maxroll guides recommending XP% gear on follower, so I redid some testing with both %XP and +XP

I gathered up a group of about a dozen of the same enemy in a GR, noted the XP numbers while killing a couple, then dismissed my follower and noted the XP numbers again. Dismissing your follower is a really easy way to change your %XP/+XP without changing any other variables, it’s a lot easier than leaving the GR, changing your gear, and trying to find the same mob type again. Also XP from monster kills in GRs is fixed per enemy type on a given tier, it doesn’t vary between individual enemies as long as it’s the same mob type. So it makes testing pretty straightforward.

My findings (I repeated the testings on a few different tiers to make sure the numbers were consistent, but I’ll just share one set of numbers to keep things simple):

+XP gear is added to the final XP number and not buffed by the GR multiplier.

So with +140 XP/kill granted from my follower, a mob type in GR90 that gave 21053688 XP with my follower present gave 21053828 XP with my follower dismissed. So a difference of 140 XP.

So you can see that +XP is totally useless in higher GRs since it doesn’t benefit from the GR XP multipliers. In GR90, +140 XP/kill gave a 0.00066% boost for the mob type I was killing. That’s such a tiny amount it’s meaningless. And the higher you go, the worse that ratio will get. The base XP per enemy will keep increasing, but you’ll still only get that flat +140 increase over the base XP.

Now as for +XP%: it turns out it’s still multiplicative to kill XP in GRs (I think it’s still additive in torments, but I didn’t specfically test that as the behaviour in GRs is what we really care about). The tooltip that says it doesn’t apply in GRs is straight up incorrect. It applies at 1/10 value. But worth noting it doesn’t apply to GR close XP, just kills within the GR.

And from your follower, you only get 1/50 of the value (20% of their stats as normal, and then 1/10 of that at level 70). With my setup I was getting 3.5% bonus XP from my follower. Leoric’s Crown w/ Flawless Royal Ruby, Cain’s set, and a Hellfire Ring. I didn’t use Leoric’s Ring since I decided to just stick with an Oculus Ring, but I suppose you could drop Oculus for Leoric’s if you really wanted.

So with +3.5% XP granted from my follower, a mob type in GR45 that gave 3838384 XP with my follower present gave 3707788 XP with my follower dismissed. So a multiplicative 3.5% gain in XP from kills.

Now remember since it doesn’t apply to closing XP, you don’t get that full 3.5%. It applies to less than half of the total XP per rift. So you end up getting more like 1.5% more XP overall.

That’s not a ton, but it’s not 0 either. It’s small enough you aren’t really losing much if you don’t bother with it. But if you are trying to maximize your solo farming efficiency, it doesn’t hurt to slap Cain’s + Leoric’s + Hellfire on your follower. You give up almost nothing to do that, and get an extra 1.5% XP/hour.

So +XP% on follower is okay. +XP is bad. A bit unrelated, but gold find on follower is also useless, it’s additive AFTER the torment multiplier (this is probably a bug). So if you have 55,000% gold find on T16 and add a Goldskin on your follower, you then have 55,020% gold find. You get 20% of the value from your follower, and it’s not affected by the T16 multiplier like gold find on your character would be. Wearing a Goldskin on yourself on T16 gives about 350x more benefit than sticking one on your follower.