If I read a thread on the EU forums, underneath the thread, where it lists other threads and has links to new threads you might want to look at, it has a broken link…
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A bit more info on this…
First, it affects only the English forums in EU; the other languages behave properly and displays the name of the current category.
Second, this occurs when there are no “New” and no “Unread” topics… in all Europe English forums… D3, for sure, but also WoW, SC2, the “Blizzard” forum…
A few examples…
In Diablo III, I had https://i.imgur.com/3bad4ht.png and when I read the 1 unread topic, I got the same error that Meteorblade shows.
In WoW, I had Imgur: The magic of the Internet . After dismissing the 160 new topics, I got: Imgur: The magic of the Internet . And after dismissing the 5 unread topics,