Ethereal Weapons

Maybe but with each character I rolled up for the etherals I got the ones for the class in a couple of hours per character and the only character that didn’t work that way was the mage

Plus doing GR 90+ was not a requirement to get them I got them all while levelling up from about level 15 - 50
I already have 5 of the HC etherals and not a single Paragon level

Of course not, the fastest way to get them after all is running the vault at level 5, but 90+ speedgrifts is the most efficient way to get them at level cap.


The main reason why people do vault runs at low level is because to pool of available legendaries is still tiny which increases the chances of getting ethereals.

Once you get closer to level cap the pool of legendaries grows and the chance of getting an ethereals goes to the average of 1 in 100 drops. There is however no differences between classes or any other weird mechanics working behind the scenes, just normal RNG.

No, no and… NO!

Just dropping this here for our mate, Sam.
*whistles a merry tune and goes to bed*


Not trying to be rude but no, that is not how it works. It’s your experience and I am not saying it isn’t true that it happened that way but that sample size of few characters you created isn’t proof that there is some reset or something, it’s just RNG.

I don’t understand the complaint on no death wish. When you want orb. Difference in rng between 8-10% and death wish being 250 -325%

I did season journey on DH and got a Wizardspike with about 290% Deathwish. That helped me getting a Wiz started. Later I got a spike with 321% Deathwish and was lucky to get one with 325% that I use now.

I gave up on it after having to create multiple characters and level them to 70, too much work and not enough hero slots left to do it. To my mind Etherials should have been like pets where once you found one, the next find would always be a different ethereal until you got them all.

You didn’t, you only needed to get them to level 6.

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The achievement only requires 1 character slot. Once you get the 3 Ethereals for that class, delete and make the next class. As far as the work to level them up, you just need 1 GOE level 25 that you can throw in a weapon and you should be able to make 70 in less than 30 min playing casually. If you do not want to farm gear on each charcter, use 2 character slots and farm mats/shards on your main and spend/gamble on the new character.

That sounds cool for the people who only care about the achievement, but it would not be cool for those that are looking for a useful, endgame Ethereal. If they didn’t get the roll they wanted on the first try, they would have to farm the remainder of the 21 Ethereals before they got a chance to get a useful one again.