Ethereal weapon setups for Barbs: preliminary analysis

It’s pretty exciting. Every streamer I watch said it’s sheet damage.
The doombringer / ambo combo is nice for rend. The Grandfather hits like a truck, but it’s slow so your cooldowns take longer from zodiac, fury regen is slower, etc. Great at high clears Im sure, but from a quality of life view its a pain in the azz.


I don’t know.

I’m sure you’re right though with being additive with things like brawler and berserker rage. If my math is correct, a 200% bonus gets diluted to 166% by brawler and to 137% by brawler plus berserker rage.

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Lol, well, I’m not sure it’s additive… but, I’d just like to see an actual damage test to determine for sure how it works.

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Yeah, agreed. The fact that it jacks up sheet damage normally points to an additive bonus, but it could be multiplicative in a way that we haven’t seen yet.


Dunno if it’s sheet or not.

What I do know is levelling is easy.

I think if you’re lucky to get the right combo of skills these things will be good fun.

Side note. You cant dual weild the axe and the sword.

That shouldn’t come as a surprise, as it’s in the PTR 2.7.1 Blog

  • Only one Ethereal can be equipped at a time.

Yeah I missed that bit lol.

Any updates on whether the bonus is additive or multiplicative (or something new altogether)? Rage and I don’t play Seasons so we need someone else to test it.

Its certainly not multiplicative. But lol you can feel a big difference.

Are you certain? I mean, multipliers generally don’t change sheet damage, so that points to the bonuses being additive. Super-large additive bonuses are going to make a build feel more powerful, especially early on or for speed-farming, but their worth in pushing end-game GRs is something else.

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I was just about to point out the fact that this 2handed rend build will lose a minimum of 48% area damage, 30% damage from istvans, 130 CHD from one less socket. I can see this being better for speeds but not so much in max push situations. 48% area damage is a lot.

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Well, dw setup will also be short 24% AD since neither Doombringer or Grimmershred rolls AD.

So that’s only 24% more AD for DW. Grandfather has something like 120% more damage when spinning and 60% more damage from hard-casting.

The one caveat I can think of is that Doombringer reduces mob damage by 25% and also rolls LpH, so maybe at 4k paragon or something like that you could drop StP for ItF.

Those numbers, btw, are assuming the buffs are additive. If multiplicative, Grandfather is even further ahead.


A question guys, my first impression was that we can only use one ethereal. Have you tested dual wielding the two one handers? Just curious :wink:

As stated in the blog and as tested in game, you can not equip two ethereals at once even if they are different 1 handed weapons.


I’m not sure if it’s straight up sheet damage. You are clearly doing more than that.

A few posts earlier.

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I’ve been playing seasonal on PTR. What would the test be to establish this?

Equip ethereal weapon, clear off all additive damage bonuses, hit with rend, check damage. Then equip Berserker Rage passive, hit with rend again. If increase is 25%, ethereal is multiplicative. If less than 25%, additive.

Also want to clear off unnecessary multipliers like Ambo, Lamentation, Wastes6 so you don’t instantly kill your test subject.

These are no more than temporary new toys with the season restriction.
The weapons, with the right stats for a build, work well.
Grandfather wins.
Doombringer and gimmershred are fine for farming and speeds and some moderate pushes.
New boy toys…

Can Doombringer with Messarchmidts power on Frenzy barb make the perma-Wrath dream possible?