Ethereal lessons for fixing Primals

I’d be fine with that. It would be another route, like the “primal dust” idea that has been tossed around, that would work just fine.

Bottom line, there are several different things they could do that would change Primals for the better. Hopefully they will pick one of those options and implement it.


Ever since the second season of primals being out, I’d always talked among my friends that I usually played with and brought up the idea of being able to use a ton of mats or primals as mats to upgrade a well rolled ancient into a primal. Most often of course because of the very thing you mentioned above, where if it lacked 2-3 Cooldown for LQ or whatnot, it became very oof because of specific parameters. Trying to get a good quad glove has been my goal as well. xD;

When I heard Raxx talk about this primal dust or material concept, I was literally watching it over discord with my friends and we were all like ‘SEE?’ And I’m sure this idea isn’t even remotely remote. Like it seems like a common sense step to take to try and alleviate RNG’s totalitarian control. Like a reason to actually use garbage primals. Would love to see a system put in place to finally get a full set of nearly perfect gear. Main and substats included.

Personally, I see no reason to restrict what rolls as a Primal. Rather, we should probably go back to the v1 implementation and simply allow them 30% higher potential over ancients. Spreading that sort of power over multiple slots would also be more ideal than foisting things onto weapons like Ethereals did. The ability to safely reforge primals or other specific perks like improving a legendary affix can accompany such a change.

Honestly, one of my biggest blows of disinterest toward the game hit with the v1 to v2 conversion. Wax as I may about what Blizz should or shouldn’t do, this was at least something temporarily tangible on the PTR and something that could’ve existed as a meaningful loot hunt instead of just different colored ancients. Unfortunately, cries about power creep or “what about my old loot?!” won out when later changes bluntly made this initial outcry folly in comparison.

Embrace the GR150 cap. Make it more feasible for players to get there with multiple builds without needing bot-tier paragon or meta groups. More may be needed, but as a basic step that benefits everyone, it’s “easier” than adding new items/powers hoping they don’t completely break something.

Well, in that case Primals would definitely become meaningful loot… but all non-primal gear, past, present, and future, would instantly become complete garbage- even Ancients with perfect stats. I think this change would make most players pretty unhappy.

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Players also won’t be decked out in full primals within a couple hours of a season. Ancients will still be useful, just as normals are still useful until you get an ancient version. This sort of longer-term grind might even push people to play non-seasons more, assuming Blizz doesn’t stay the course of silly OP themes that aren’t new permanent content.

We need to remember that ancients were originally conceived as an extension of the loot hunt. However, as more difficulties unlocked (for reasons not solely related to the implementation of ancients), ancients also became easier to get. The aspect of invalidation is otherwise a null point for those who play season exclusively, because whatever was farmed before doesn’t matter.

Even if “garbage” after a point in progression, use still otherwise remains as salvage fodder. And that’s part of where related cube recipes come into play. Maybe just because you finally get a primal weapon doesn’t mean it’s rolled how you needed. The cost of making it what you need will still make all the so-called junk useful. This many not be the community ideal or what they may perceive Diablo as, but it is working with what has largely already been presented in both theory and practice. This season alone basically had “Non-Ethereals are garbage” and as it turned out, people liked it. Maybe not everyone, but it’s seemingly sparked discussion of preservation or adaptation. I’m certainly open to ideas that make ancients and primals more interesting on top, but I’m not sure the route of reinventing the wheel is a path we should expect Blizz to undertake under current game and company circumstances.

The thing that made ethereals likable was 1)Ease of acquirement (1,2, or 3 every 20 GR 90 and above). 2) Limited number of them (you didn’t need to deck out your character in all ethereals to do almost anything. And 3) Their power worked with existing sets.

If suddenly I HAVE to deck out my character in Primals, then that’s when I quit. I’m not a casual by any stretch of the imagination and still might only come away with 4 or 5 useable primals (usually less) a season. That’s from over 600 hrs every season.

With ideas like “Primals should be more powerful than other items” suddenly 600 hrs is a waste of time. It says "What you should be doing is 2000 hrs every season. That’s just ridiculous!

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I get you, and is where the cube comes into play. Just doing the 30% upgrade with no other changes would be horrible for the player.

That said, we also have temper some hyperbole. 150s are possible now. Part of things are on the community to not be unreasonable twerps about party expectations. If someone’s LFG with some full primal meta message, we have to acknowledge a mix of overkill and foolishness in their demand. An unspoken aspect my proposal is that the game otherwise never goes beyond 150, number fudging or not. We need the ceiling.

^^This and sooooo much so

DH main and I had 3 Primal Holy Point Shots drop this season:
All 3 rolled Fire (useless currently though might change next patch)…None rolled with either CHC or Impale…at least I got 45 souls for them.

I have 3/4 a tab of primals that I just haven’t taken the time to look over…but not a single solitary primal for my S24 build. A couple did look nice on my Scoundrel though since all that matters is the emanate and mainstat (like my Nems with Lightning and LPS or the pair with AR and LPH or the Homing Pads LOL)…

I’ve acquired a single GoD set ethereal since it was introduced…

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