Error loading the hero

Hi Blizz! Can you please help me. I get a “There was an error loading the hero. Please try again. (Code 395002).”

I was able to play start of ptr until I tried logging in yesterday and today. Thanks!

Note that i started with a new ptr char and did the ptr copy of my old char so… I don’t know if that have something to do with the error.

Same here, how do we reinstall PTR or won’t that help, looks like some data might be missing?

Tried reinstalling and I still have the same problem on the ptr but the diablo server works okay.

Scanning game files is all I ever get. PTR isn’t on the region tab

Are you all experiencing issues on the live version of the client? Theres some known issues that our team is looking into, but for PTR discussions and reports, it’s best to refer over to #ptr-bug-report or #ptr-feedback forums.

The technical support forums can only assist with the live and current version of the client. Any testing versions of the game client, such as PTR or betas, are outside of what we can assist with.

my ptr sæsonen hero is gone can i hjelp me get back

Thanks all for the reply! I uninstalled and reinstalled the ptr but getting same can’t load the hero error. However, I tried logging in using my 2nd diablo account and created a new ptr character instead of ptr copy and it works so for some reason my other ptr account got corrupted. My non-season works though so I’ll leave as it is. Just wanted to tryout the new dh god and 4the cube.

Same issue here too 395002.

We mentioned this in another thread, with a connectivity hiccup the other night. Here’s the thread.

For PTR Discussions and reports, please refer to the PTR Feedback and PTR Bug Report forums. Technical support forums only assists with the live version of the game. Any testing versions of the game client, such as PTR or betas, are outside of what we can assist with.