Error Code 316614


Asia is FUBAR currently…

My “seasonal” hero is stuck somewhere in a parallel universe, and the game thinks the season is still on.


When I started a new game with my seasonal hero, the stash is empty and none of the tabs that I had bought during season are there. There was a mail, so I opened it… all it contained was 3 Haedrig gifts which I collected and sent to inventory.

All the artisans are level 1… and have forgotten all the recipes they learned during the season.

It’s a mess !


I think it is best to just leave all alone for now… until Blizzard figures it out. Hopefully they have some sort of pre-“end of season” backup that they can use and have all the accounts go through the end of season once more.

I also hope that Europe and Americas end-of-season is more “normal”…

Cheers !