Error code 1 - problem starting game

mine is now trying to create a game, but timing out


There is a message on the Launcher now. Investigating the game creation issue. So they are working on it.

Annnnnnddddd, it’s back to Code 1…SMH

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Then there will be scheduled maintenance a few hours later. OH THE IRONY! I blame Murphy and his stupid law.

Creates Game…Code 1’ed…Triggered!!

Torment Code 1 the new difficulty.


Apparently it is hitting Hearthstone too, whatever is causing it.

Could Blizz be getting DDOS’ed?

Probably ddos tests for next weekend

Just a small indie company… do you guys not have phones? sheesh…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This kind of stuff is why you don’t pay greedy corporations in advance, no matter what kind of shiny objects they dangle in front of your face. :kissing_heart:

if it was a ddos, would it not also be downing other games besides d3 and hearthstone? like wow? just was able to log into my realm, if it was the same for wow i would think i wouldnt be able to even get to the character screen, no? havent tried d2r or sc2 yet

I still have not bought D4 and I am waiting to test the beta to see if I even like the game. Immortal was a joke. I don’t want D4 to be one.

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Honestly, I think they’re just experimenting with hardware using us as their stress test population. Prep for D4.

It’s not the first time code 1 happens… not sure if the solutions works, I’ll be waiting.

https: // www.

I can’t speak to that. I don’t have enough knowledge of the server architectures and data centers to be accurate. Not all the games are on the same infrastructure, or even at the same data centers.

it’s not a ddos, but they’ll blame it on a ddos.

honestly i wouldnt, i bought d3 early, it was completely unplayable on launch because they “couldnt have foreseen the number of people that would play at launch” - or something like that, no just tried to cut corners for profit and they are a business sure thats fine, but selling a product, make sure it works as intended on launch else you lose credibility

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I’ve not bought it either lol. blizzard has proven time and time again they only care about money and not their community… take D3 necro for example… it’s still $15, while D3 is all but dead at this point… 21% the cost of D4 for the ability to play 1 extra class.

Agreed. They have no excuse, they know damn well how many millions of copies of D4 are going to sell, but they seem to think spending god knows what on painting a church in France for an entire month for a 1 minute trailer is a better investment than maintaining and increasing server capacity.

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