Error code 1 - problem starting game

Hey, had my break, a long one. Came back and get a Code 1 error, WTH? Fix it, Blizzard, ASAP.

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Trying to get the Challenge Rift done and now it won’t let me.


Oh no, now I cannot run Greater Rifts endlessly!

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Game froze in HC, restarted gamed from launcher, stuck in menu hell like everyone else. Good thing I just unlocked my last seal, working on my last potion now, well not now anymore… tbc

mine is now trying to create a game, but timing out


There is a message on the Launcher now. Investigating the game creation issue. So they are working on it.

Annnnnnddddd, it’s back to Code 1…SMH

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Then there will be scheduled maintenance a few hours later. OH THE IRONY! I blame Murphy and his stupid law.

Creates Game…Code 1’ed…Triggered!!

Torment Code 1 the new difficulty.


Apparently it is hitting Hearthstone too, whatever is causing it.

Could Blizz be getting DDOS’ed?

Probably ddos tests for next weekend

Just a small indie company… do you guys not have phones? sheesh…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This kind of stuff is why you don’t pay greedy corporations in advance, no matter what kind of shiny objects they dangle in front of your face. :kissing_heart:

if it was a ddos, would it not also be downing other games besides d3 and hearthstone? like wow? just was able to log into my realm, if it was the same for wow i would think i wouldnt be able to even get to the character screen, no? havent tried d2r or sc2 yet

I still have not bought D4 and I am waiting to test the beta to see if I even like the game. Immortal was a joke. I don’t want D4 to be one.

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Honestly, I think they’re just experimenting with hardware using us as their stress test population. Prep for D4.

It’s not the first time code 1 happens… not sure if the solutions works, I’ll be waiting.

https: // www.

I can’t speak to that. I don’t have enough knowledge of the server architectures and data centers to be accurate. Not all the games are on the same infrastructure, or even at the same data centers.