Just continuing my game and was going to continue leveling my character and an error came up. I missed the error code but my Season character is no longer seasonal - just another character.
If this bug kicks me to a normal character and cannot be made back to a seasonal character then I am not starting over. I don’t have the patience to start another character.
That’s probably because season 26 had ended.
Season 26 will be ending on August 21 at 5pm PDT. See the following post for the exact times for each region.
if you are new, then it might be best to just start over along with everyone next week.
there will be a lot of low level players you can tag along, no more solo grinding, which can speed things up a lot.
honestly i dont know why would you start at the end of season lol, but yeah if you dont care about seasonal buffs, you can always stay as normal character and keep playing.
I thought the new season had already started. My bad, but not starting another character - the ramp up is too slow in this game starting out. Been playing since 2012 and it just gets too repetitive on a long start.
Thanks for the info though.
Np, like Howard said, the next season (season 27) will be starting in about 5 days.
Can rebirth for Season 27. Once new season starts, click that character, then switch to “rebirth.” Suggest remove all gear from character, inventory, and follower if wish to do so. Character will become season 27 level 1 character with same name but no paragon, no gear. Web search such for more details.
I have had it where I click to change to another character. It pops up and it says this is seasonal character can’t play in this game. It was a 26 season character. Nothing new here this crap happens all the time when they close a season or starts a season.
Think that’s the first time I’ve heard anyone say that. I mean sure, it’s all relative, but you can get to t16 solo in a few hours.
I don’t know about that situation… but… every time I tried to log onto a different character I got a pop up telling me that seasonal characters can’t play with nonseasonal characters. Really? I am not trying to join a group. I am trying to log onto my character so I can start managing my stash. Sometimes I would get the error message twice.
Matter of fact, I think I have touched on this before, this reminds me of the ‘party locked,’ ‘only leader can make a new game,’ and another one that I can’t remember right now, bug that would prevent me from logging onto another character. Again, I am not trying to join a game, I am just trying to log onto a character and I am blocked from doing so. The only way I can fix that issue is by logging out of D3 and logging back in through the launcher.
There are some annoying quirks to this bug infested game. Good thing the game is still fun to play, or it’s off to Grim Dawn again or some other character building/playing fantasy game. Not WoW tho, either retail or classic, I am done with that game forever. That turned into a dumpster fire for little kids and teens. They can have it too.
Seriously? It’s faster in D3 than any other ARPG I know about.
Slow ramp? If you make the character, then do the weekly challenge rift, you can get the character set and going on Master or even T1 from the start until high 50s at least. Leveling is FAST in this game, ESPECIALLY at the start. The slow ramp happens at the END of the grind to 70…
If you have all the right stuff you get a 2nd or 3rd character to level 70 in about 15 to 30 mins. Plus if you level up a new character it will take you more then a few hrs to get so they can do solo T16. Plus if you don’t have people to help you. It could take a long time to get your stuff to solo T16.
Seriously? If you are new to the game you really don’t know all the little tricks to get you there. Plus you really know how many people don’t this game? It might be about 50% of the people that play this game.
??? I might be wrong but you don’t get set pieces when you do the Challenge rift. You only get Gold & Mats.
Not really though. Getting 1-70 is a couple of hours, doing season journey until completing haedrigs gifts is another couple, which in most cases is plenty to do t16. Yeah, I would say that’s a few.
If you have all the right stuff it’s 5-10 mins tops solo.
Sure, it could. I never said getting to t16 in a few hours was a given, I said you can. Clearly it entirely depends on how efficient you are, if you’re really quick getting to 70 is an hour or less.
In general, it takes me somewhere between a week and 2 weeks of pretty casual play to get a brand new Seasonal character to T16. It’d be much less if I played more or wasn’t solo.
The little tricks apply to any game, though, so that’s really not a “D3” thing. What IS a D3 thing is that leveling and advancing once at max level is very easy and fast compared to other ARPGs. Ridiculously so.
There aren’t THAT many little tricks, either. D3 is rather simple when it comes to post leveling advancement. Especially in a Season where you have Haedrig’s Gift.
I have level up many characters and the best I ever did was 15 to 20 mins. I have been playing from day 1 and three account. I can’t see how you can do it in 5 to 10 mins solo. Once you get to lvl 50 then it is where it takes you 10 times as long, then you do getting to lvl 50.
What I’m talking about is the hellfire amulet & ring a 70 lvl weapon and a lvl 25 or better gem of ease. There is a lot people out there they don’t know you can do that. There are people out there that they try to lvl somebody up. They never use the gem of ease in their weapon.
Level one Gem of Ease to as high as you can and level an additional 11 or 12 Gems of Ease to 25 and remove level requirement for a full set of level 70 gear. (Craft hellfire ring/neck to remove the need of two gems if you like as those does not have level requirements)
That would in my mind qualify as “have all the right stuff”, and you will kill things at almost the same speed as a level 70 at t6.
Just level up a GoE up to at least 30 or so, higher the better. Level the LoD to max. Along the way, chances are you will find some good generic ancient weapons. You might also find some low level legendaries while you level up your first character. Save them and wear them as you reach their level. The LoD gives you a massive boost. Craft a hellfire ring and amulet. That means you have 3 legendary items right from level 1, hopefully the weapon will be ancient and if you are really lucky, one or both of the Hellfires. That should give you enough damage to pretty much run T6 until you are nearly 70, especially if you craft legendary items or find them to fill your item slots.
The xp boost from the GoE will let you reach 70 within minutes.
Yes that would be nice, but in the real world of D3. That doesn’t happen. Most people don’t waste their time leveling up 10 or 12 gem of ease. Most people are lucky to just lvl up the gems they need. Plus most people have no clue what gems really do too!!!
This is what the OP said. This is the way a lot people play this game. You have to understand a lot people really know nothing about the game.
I had some body one time in a game. He said WOW you are the 1st person to help me. He said most people here are very rude. So you are trying to teach a old dog new tricks that I already know!!!
Well, seeing as I’ve done it, I’m sure others have as well, so while it might not be standard, it does in fact happen. The argument was if it was possible, not if everyone does it.
Geting 10 gems to 25 is less than 2 hours, it’s not like it’s a huge investment.
Perhaps, but that’s irrelevant for my statement.
WOW Just another expert and fanboy wasting my time.