Error 395002 - tried everything in 14823

Dear Support Team,

Upon entering a map my game was terminated due to a license issue, and ever since keep receive the following error message when the game is trying to retrieve the hero list: “There was an error loading the hero. Please try again (Error 395002)”

I have already tried every step listed in article 14823. Also uninstalled and reinstalled both the game and tool, but didn’t solve the issue.
The issue appears only on the NA server, my hero on EU server loads in fine.

Can you please advise?
Best regards,

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its happening to almost everyone on the US server
guess it sucks to be a gamer day @ Blizzard

Great :smiley: Thanks for the info

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Looks like North America Servers are being weird, plenty of others in Loading the hero (error 395002) - #19 by MaYheM-1925 with same issue

Wow, I just tried again for fun, and am able to get in the game fine now