Enchanting a Primal Vyr chest armor

I am currently using a crappy ancient vyr:
+11% Elite DR (rolled)
Physical Resistance
+1yard pickup radius

Then I found a Primal (still virgin)
Physical Resistance
+7% Range DR

My Question:
What to reroll on the Primal?
(Should I roll off Armor for 11% Elite DR?)
(Should I keep Armor and roll off physical for 7% Melee DR?)
(Or should I roll off 7% Range for 7% Melee DR instead?)


My gut says roll off the armor for elite dmg reduction. For the build I am following those are the perfect stats

Vit to elite reduction.

Usually you trade stats gainable from paragon points with stats that cant be obtained via paragon points.

Alternatively is roll phy res to melee damage reduction. % mitigation > any form of resistance for int classes.


At what paragon is it better to roll off the sockets?

Hmm… Interesting idea!
Chest pieces have 3 sockets;
if I go for defense, I’d put Rubies which would equate to 840 Armor.
So it is like comparing 840 Armor with 11% DR from Elites.

Your thinking of Diablo 2, in 3 the rubies only boost your strength on chest armor.

You gain 1 armour for every point of STR or DEX so putting rubies or emeralds into chest / leg sockets will increase your armour.

Leave it the way it is. You can’t get much bettter rolls.