Elemental Arrow: Feedback for Improvement - 2.6.8

Last updated: 11/26/2019 @ 10:00PM EST

Like Chakram, this skill needs about 25GR levels to stay competitive with Rapid Fire @ GR140.


  • Allow items that buff primary skills to also buff Elemental Arrow when Kridershot is equipped.
  • Augustine’s Panacea increases Slow Ball damage by 500%, other runes are increased by 1800%.
  • Kridershot remains the same.


  • Augustine’s Panacea (19x)
  • Kridershot (1x unchanged)
  • Primary Skill Package (5.2x) Simplicity Strength (1.25x gain over bane of the trapped) * Hunters Wrath (2.08x) * Depth Diggers (2x)

The Primary Skill Package conflicts with Captain Crimson, so it should be considered a 3.46x buff. Hybrid builds are unable to take the whole Primary Skill Package – see below for details.


  • UE6 - In comparison to the 2.6.8 proposal for Chakram this build is roughly the same.
  • M6 - The player can choose to avoid Kridershot to make a survivable build – but it will pale in comparison to UE6.
  • N6M4 - This will excellent, unlike Chakram, the player can equip Bombardier’s Rucksack in this setup. The player will likely choose Hunters Wrath over Depth Diggers in cube. Simplicity Strength will be taken over Bane of the Trapped.


  • In order to differentiate Chakram from Elemental Arrow, we ask that Chakram’s damage bonuses get split between Sword of Ill Will and Spines of Seething Hatred, whereas with Elemental Arrow gets one heavily buffed legendary: Augustine’s Panacea.

I agree with the damage buff that elemental arrow needs, but i see no point on making depth diggers and hunter wrath work with elemental arrow.
Just buff kridershot legendary power to add a juicy damage %

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Thanks for the time put into it dmkt.

I agree with Salamandra. Why not simply add a multiplier to Kridershot? Augustine’s Panacea being a 19x multiplier in a single item versus the ‘primary skill package’ being a mere 5.2x multiplier requiring a legendary gem and two legendaries items is weird. The package seems underpowered and unnecessary. Besides, you even pointed that the package conflicts with Captain Crimson, making it a 3.46x buff. Captain Crimson is meta for all classes now. I don’t see how taking CC out of the equation just for a 3.46x will benefit the build. Unless I’m ignoring something gamebreaking, distributing the multipliers between Augustine and Kridershot seems to be a better solution. 13x for each item. Easy to implement and to test.

Also, is making EA and Chakram work as if they were primaries (with the appropriate items) really something we should be asking? It will become one of those ‘hidden’ mechanics the game has that is silly and counter-intuitive, because it won’t work as the items tooltips describe.

This was an older suggestion made prior to Captain Crimson. I agree – it’s silly to have 4 items totaling 5.2x damage. But… there are two things that we miss out on:

  1. Life per hit from Simplicity Strength
  2. Faster stricken stacking from Hunter’s Wrath.

We can always ask for a Hunters Wrath upgrade too (Dieoxide’s suggestion) – if we still want to go this route. Would it be worth it if the Primary Package were 13x (hunters wrath @ 30% AS and 300% damage)?

With this mod, we’d be choosing between CC3 or Depth Diggers. (most taking CC3 for extra DR, but perhaps in groups with supports we’d pick DD).

Could a HW buff help bring generators builds back to life, with eventual upgrades to Leonine / Ninth Cirri Satchel, Odyssey’s End, Emimei’s Duffel – maybe that should be in another thread too?

Again i’m recommending avoiding a buff to Kridershot so that Chakram and EA builds don’t gear exactly the same, since the builds are nearly the same right now.

Think about the hybrids:

  • N6M4 EA
  • S2M4 Chakram (w/ S2 @ 12000%)

N6M4 Elemental Arrow will shine if we keep all of the damage on one item (Augustine), we’ll lose 2 turrets and 100% from Bombardier if we ask for Kridershot to have the damage mod too.

One last thought, if we ditch the request for EA to behave like a primary skill. It would result in Augustine needing to be ~6300%, if we ask for Hunters Wrath buff, then Augustine only needs to be ~660%, which seems pretty reasonable.

Depth diggers and simplicity strength are items that are weak and need buffs to make it work on any class (that is not WD), if you add them to this mix they will be even harder to balance.

It’s way easier just give the specific legendaries a decent % damage buff, also we need consider that we don’t know what will be the theme of the new set, probably something related with spike traps and generators.

And about that N6M4 thing, i don’t think this playstyle it’s healthy for DH, thanks to that hybrid we have a half baked set (marauder) that has a useless 4 piece bonus if you use pure marauder, making it super weak, there is almost no point on use pure marauder. N6M4 does the thing that pure marauder should be doing.

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