Echoing Nightmares

Hallo, That is Not easy. I Go Running Go 50. gratea rufst and is Go no Drops The key for ne. The Runs Go 1 min -1:30 min. More for 5 peoples in 3 days no Drops the key in 120 Griffs. Ist Not good or bug?

I’m trying to comprehend what you’re trying to say but is this about Petrified Scream drops and not getting any? They have an estimated average drop chance of 5%, regardless of what GR level you play.

Working as intended.

I’ve noticed them more frequently in higher GR though. Are they tied to the chance of dropping a legendary so in higher GR they get closer to that 5% and in lower GR the rate isn’t as good? It could also be some form of observer bias since I spend most of my time running GR80-90 grinding for mats.

As far as I know they are not tied to anything specific.

I’d say you have some observation bias since the average people have experienced across all GRs is about 5%. There is always some variance.

Run GR90 at around 2-3 minutes. GR90 is where you get the most legendaries. Running it at that time will mean more screams will drop. I ought to know that is how I got the amount of screams that I have gotten which is over 30 and I haven’t played this season as much as I usually do. Oh right now I am playing season 26 in the EU region due to the fact that I wanted to unlock the stash tabs that I already unlocked in the Americas region years ago.