Echoing Nightmare spawning shrines

I missed the notes where it states shrines could spawn in echoing nightmare but a bandit shrine spawned after I killed one of the bosses. I had gone to a corner around 125 to end it and when the dust settled, I noticed a bandit shrine had spawned. Clicked on it and I could not kill any of the gobs. It’s as if they scaled a lot higher than they should have.

Found several more in subsequent runs but couldn’t see if I could kill them as I became overwhelmed and the timer killed all the gobs. Their health was still 1.3 quadrillion so it would’ve been slow but doable I guess. I think the first time the timing must have been where I hit bandit shrine after the timer was done but the shrine hadn’t gone away yet.

Just had one spawn at the end of echoing nightmare.

I had gotten overwhelmed at tier 129. All the goblins where like level 129 and unkillable.