Easiest build to push 150?

I’m gonna throw this out there…

I’m playing Nat’s this season. I’m far from the best players in this game but still when I last checked I was rank 9 on the DH Leaderboard and Rank 8 on the Nat’s leaderboard.

I did my first GR 150 this season at around 1800 or 1900 paragon in like 13 min or something like that. I can farm GR 150 now but I still have to get good maps, like Battlefields, Cemetery, Festering, or FoM, but I can do those with most any mob and complete in time with 2600+ paragon.

My build is a bit different than the other players use that are in the Top 10 in that I use Dawn over Nat’s Slayer and CoE, Esoteric over Gogok, and Sliver of Terror with attack speed and crit chance over Hatred or Sliver of Terror with the ring of fire power.

It’s a pretty easy playstyle since I can stand in the middle of big packs of mobs with ground affixes everywhere and just blast away with little fear of dying though occasionally I might have to move to get away from a Dark Berserker swing or reposition as the packs get smaller.

Any, I highly recommend my setup if you’re looking for something chill to play. The numlock trick eliminates any cooldown management if that’s an issue for you too.

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