why do i’m getting repeated primals? i got the same primal item several hours after getting one primal item, (plot twist, not only me) this is strange because i asked in the general chat and many people told me: “welcome to the duplicated primal club” so im not the only one and i think this is not normal, i think there is something wrong with the rng
the proof, get rid the space:
h ttps://imgur.com/0XfMG7u
Last season I got the same bracers 5 times as well as many other duplicate or triplicate of items. This season hard for me to find a good ancient never mind a primal anything. Had to send pc in for repairs over a month ago so maybe better luck next season for me.
A player with more than 3k non season paragon points shouldn’t be surprised about things like that.
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lol its because i’ve never got as many duplicated primals like in this season, thats surprised me
to be honest it produces x15 f.s. so some may enchant a bonus to it
Well you didn’t say that you’ve experienced it several times this season… but since it’s all computer based it can make the same mistake several times in a row and I’m sure not even the developers have a full understanding and overview of what’s going on all the time in the game.
(Edited, forgot the “not”).
Got 2 primals cakram quivers within 1 hours (drop and kadala)… Thanks RNG…
Wait till you get into the triplicated primal club. I got three FB primal sources. Odds of them ever being used for something? Nil.
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I got primal shield and primal follower token from 1 gr both usuless
happens. But i got 11 usefull primals this season so its not bad. Most unused atm like tal rasha sets but i will keep them for later
with so much useless primals, hopely a QOL change could turn them into some useful materials.
I had a total of three primal drops in two consecutive T16 rifts last weekend. Freaky.
All junk…