Drop chance for specific items?

Is there a data base with drop rates for specific items, be it on the official or on third party sites?

There used to be a lot of information for D2, not so much for this game as far as I can tell.
Especially when it comes to the Primals, I’m sick and tired of getting the same Primals over and over, and over again. Marauder helmet, shoulders, Krede’s Flame… these are items, which I’ve gotten like 5-6 Primals of each of those since this patch was deployed, while items that I actually need have only dropped once (with the wrong rolls) or not at all…

You should find these links useful:


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What I find particularly interesting and useful is the approximation of how many Blood Shards and Death’s Breaths it takes to get an item… because you can also draw conclusions as to which slot is easier to get with shards, and which one is easier to get with death’s breaths… and by doing so, maximize the chance to get what you want.

For example, something like Cloak is much easier to get with Death’s Breaths (due to fewer cloaks in the game) than it is with Blood Shards (because it shares gamble slot with Chest Armor pieces)

Thanks! It’s definitely a good roadmap to maximizing my chances to get what I want.