Doubt about deathwish

One solution that might be coming is the fourth cube slot to become permanent. It has been discussed, asked for and many have suspicions it might come true. As far as this being a true solution I have no idea because there are a bunch of items to squeeze in the cube, that has been pointed out several times before.
I hope we get some changes that are good and hope the developers haven’t managed to paint themselves into a corner.

Could happen, yes. It would make the multiple weapon/offhands requirement for skills like Arcane Orb, Twister or Hydra tolerable (I’m not talking about the horrible and awkward playstyles for certain builds here, just item combinations). I sure would welcome that, you bet.

Regarding changes, uhm… I truly wish they look through all our feedback and maybe let some of the suggestions happen. I would love to see a signature skill build (updated items), ideally in combination with Tal Rasha buff (higher damage and significantly shorter Meteor cooldown)… plus damage reduction added to F&R and on top of all that the forth cube slot. Yup… something like that. If they do that, I’d be happy. I want my Meteors back! But will it happen? I have my doubts…

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Imo, the biggest issue isn’t so much that we were reliant on DW and ES for most of our builds (which of course was also problematic), instead my issue was that despite the number of items that we have that support channeling, our channeling skills themselves were still very weak. To the point that they only dealt a fraction of the other skills and such were only used to buff our arcane spenders (Funnily enough I have a similar issue with Vyr Archon dealing little to no damage on it’s own).

That’s honestly why I find the change to etched sigil so bothersome; etched sigil at it’s core was a channeling support item (or at least was supposed to be); yet that support was strictly transferred over to Energy Twister of all skills with the latest patch… Our channeling skills that were already weak as they were, were made even weaker all for Energy Twister (be mindful that energy twister could’ve been buffed in any of it’s other support legendaries).

I’d been fine if they simply had locked the damage buff to deathwish and etched sigil to the channeling skills themselves; as that would’ve at least given me some hope that they would buff the items of our other arcane spenders in a clean manner. However with the recent change to etched sigil, I don’t have much hope of a massive buff to our other arcane spenders; at least not in a clean manner, but instead I imagine if we did get it it would be in a way more messy, sloppy, gimmicky, and/or lazy manner that I would hardly consider it interesting, unique, nor even fun.

I’ll leave it at that, because honestly I delve on this topic way too much.

Death wish wasn’t so bad on the first star pact iteration. But then came archon variants. I still think the most toxic item for wizards is fazulas. Or maybe any item that has a global dmg buff that scales indefinitely but is tied to only 1 skill. A skill that locks out all other wizard skills… death wish is a little better. There’s three channel skills and you’re not stuck with that nasty 20 seconds of waiting.

Wait four channel skills. But does RoF really count?

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Death wish is a flaw, and an overpowered bonus to beginning merits. There was sort of a point to a jackpot that uses areas around the abyss map, and so the fact it is channeling, was sort of a trial run. If there was a ‘you are here :star2:’. That is not even a possible summoning.
I would have guessed that the location for the item map is being looked at for another reason than the skill, or the extra points that would add at character creation.

Death wish as a flaw is one people can not take unless otherwise stated.

Its ridiculous that Twister gets 2 swords for a non- dual wield, wand class…:roll_eyes:

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I agree with your perception of twister, as a perfect storm. The system is designed to follow a pattern, to create the right result. That being said, to select a merit that allows extra points at creation, it is designed this way.

I am not sure pulling items from rifts, is even logical. I would need the parts and more friends. The fact is that Asmodious, is where we where, as much admiration as I had for the other wings. I have to control, a few to understand why other locations are important. I can’t accomplish thst, without a few flaws, to get extra mentor.