Does rejecting area damage end upgrade points for paragon?

I was following a video for spirit barrage where it recommended that I not allocate any points for area damage in the paragon area. I redistributed my points so that none of the points went into the category of area damage. Since then it appears that I am not receiving any further paragon points for any other area. Do I have to allocate my area damage points under paragon in order to continue getting paragon points?

If the other 3 in that category are maxed at 50, The points will just sit there if you don’t allocate them to AD. The other 3 categories go on as usual.
Only Main Stat and Vitality have no cap at 50.

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No, and you should always remove AD paragon when doing public GR / nephalem runs (and ask other players to do same), AD with some builds will cause tons of lag and screen freezes - not a fun experience in softcore and most likely a death sentence in hardcore (enemies will continue to move and attack normally but you won’t see it on screen and have up to 5-6s delay on moving your toon or keybind inputs).