Simple question for those who played D4 beta.
Does D4 come with a “hide helmet” feature in the beta already?
Asking this because Di doesn’t have this feature on launch and it was supposed to come in the previous patch but it got delayed due to unseen circumstances. 
Don’t have a clue what you are talking about.
Even if it did, who need to watch square-jawed “females”?
I am talking about the transmog in D4.
Does D4 has the feature to hide your character’s helmet like D3 did.
You never know…
It does have a hide helmet feature. In fact, you can hide every armor piece, kinda like the vanishing dye.
Thanks for the information.
No, but you can hide your left boot, so when walking or running you look like a limping doodle.
Without a helmet you receive +chance to dodge physical-ranged due to peripheral vision. Do it Blizzard!
Yes. Use the wardrobe. It’s in the same room as your stash. You can change appearance of items, change it’s color, etc…
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Disable helmet, or any armor piece view in the wardrobe.
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They surprise me with that, too. They add 1000 options to modify the appearance
of your face so that you have to cover it in the game anyway. But that’s blizzard 
Yes. You can hide armor, including the helm, in the Wardrobe interface.
I don’t get this idea that D4 lacks variety in character options. It is like someone fed people a script and did not actually go look at the game and try to make chars. You can make anything you want, from a smouldering sorc, to a buff barb, an agile and cute rogue, a vampire of questionable parentage, a heavy metal rock band exile, etc. You can make anything you want - which includes more all ranges of looks/fitness/body type. What you can’t do is make a barbie doll char or anime style char.
Sorc: High cheekbones, full lips, smoky eyes, rounded chin, revealing clothing if you want. Male is slim compared to the barb (and I suspect the necro is slim too). Comparison between the two. You can do a full witch doctor caster vibe, monk type, asian warrior style, etc.
Barb: The woman’s face is rounded with full lips and more facial fat. The man has a square jaw.
Rogue: Wiry and agile.
I mean, you can also hide the head if you want
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And that’s fine. I can’t find this option in Diablo Immortal, and there are a lot of face modifications there too.
nice picture these character are stunning
Immortal is seriously lacking in the cosmetic transmog tool department. You can only set whole looks, not individual items. Exception being the Weapon which you can mog separate from the armor.
I don’t want to meet this guy in a dark alley at night. I tried for a vampire type vibe. You can also do the huge black demon eyes if you want!
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i expect poe2 to have blood magic for a vampire because poe1 have blood magic
not sure d4 have any blood magic ? maybe for a necro
Yes. The slots have a “Unequipped Look” option which hides them. The good news? Once set and the dye selected for a particular slot, it remains that way even if you change gear. Well, at least the dye choice does. Saves a lot of annoyances.
Yes, the transmog applies to the slot as well as the dye. So changing gear does not require changing the mog again. Mog is also free to change, unless you want to “save” a look. That has gold you can pay for extra mog look saves.
The exception is if you change types. So if I have a staff mogged and change to a wand and offhand, it will tell me that the appearance is being changed to default of whatever the new item is.
Oh, and mog is cross character once unlocked! So for at least the normal armor types I have them on all my chars.