Does anyone here think d3 was a better game then d2?

You had me until you said they should carry D3 itemization over to D4.

If you ever dive into game design especially involving MMOs and RPGs then you’ll find that one aspect of study deals with the taxonomical classification of different player types involving different degrees of motivations, goals, and behaviors behind what, why, and how they play.

When comparing D3 and D2 in this light it becomes much more apparent that D3 lacking certain RPG aspects basically abandoned the appeals for a huge spectrum of players if not the majority of them. It’s still have some areas of appeal and because its a polished product these people will find no fault with it lacking in other areas or even prefer those areas missing such as PvP because their inclusion would interfere with their own goals/motives.

It’s not wrong that some people like D3. It’s just a niche group.


D1 = Alien
D2 = Aliens (2)
D3 = Alien 3

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Glad to see a sensible input in the matter.

As a game, when compering to D1 and D2, the worst thing about Diablo 3 was that it was called Diablo at all. If it was called something else it would have been fine, I’m not saying it wasn’t good (I played it a lot), it just didn’t need to be called Diablo when up against the other 2.


Diablo 1 > Diablo 2 > Diablo 3.

Diablo 1 is the best.


30 million plus sales is “just a niche group”? Riiiiight. Whatever.


I agree. I love teleport in D2 but it’s an advantage that far outweighs anything any other class has. It changes too many important aspects of the game. For teleport to exist in D4 it has to come at a big cost to your character.

Played D2 for years and years. Play D3 here and there. D2 > D3 all the way.



a fantastic roguelike. Wish it had permadeath.

Shhh don’t pull the sales argument. They’re gonna say Diablo 3 only sold well because of the D2 hype, even though D2 sold 4 million copies worldwide and D3 sold over 30 million.


If D2 was as modern as D3 I would heavily play D2 and never look back to D3 as I prefer the RPG elements over the mindless action.

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D3 I like better. Had a power outage few weeks ago and only my battery laptop was available with d2 on it. Wow what a difference, chars walk so slow like they have a stick in there rear end. But it is challenging I died a lot where i dont in d3.

I know you’re sore, but don’t delude yourself.
Initial sales - sure, they can be attributed to that.
But everything that sold after the first month or two - is mostly sold on recommendation or because the game is really good. Which Diablo 3 is.

If you stopped grabbing on the past, stopped constantly comparing the game to D2 and wishing it was a clone with updated graphics (which would be super-boring BTW) - you’d see the merit of it. Or maybe you wouldn’t.
Regardless of how you feel, however, you can’t change that more than 30 million copies sold like hot cakes, and it keeps selling well. This is definitely not because of D2.


No way. I pretty much bought D3 because of the hype from D2. I still bought the xpac because it was something to play, but I got tired of the game really quickly. There isn’t enough depth. It reminds me of an arcade style game that you play for a little bit every so often.


Don’t expect the game to be a clone of the previous part. You should do the same with D4.

If you hope too much that D4 will be a reskin of D2 and you can indulge in your nostalgia with modern graphics - better stop waiting alltogether. You WILL be disappointed. And then you’ll come to forums to cover it in dirt for its differences.

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US West Non-Ladder…
I got a WolfBarb (Bring your Zealers, Wolves, Conc Barbs, WW Barbs)
I got a JavaZon (Bring your Java, Sorcs, Necros, Casters of all kinds)
I got a BowZon (Bring your Bowzons to Bow vs. Bow me)

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4 million copies?!?!?


D2 had 14 Million players each day playing back in the Glory days bro
I remember seeing that many players, because I was there ground Zero playing with them…


I Played D2 for 8 years or so… Alot! I Play D3 every 3 months or so, for a week then im done. As for fun and items, D2 was I wonder what im gonna get today, D3 is… I wonder when im gonna get “Certain” Item.


The correct answer right there.