will the patch drop few day before the season or at the same time? do we know yet?
The patch will come before the start of s25, obviously, otherwise there can be no new season.
Usually the patch come on Wednesday (or Tuesday, not sure) and the season start on Friday (2 or 9 days after).
And at the moment, there no dates about the patch and the season’s start.
Yes, it will drop either the Tuesday before the season starts or the Tuesday before that has been the pattern. They want to make sure nothing is horribly broken before the season starts.
While it’s true it will come before, I don’t really se why that would be obvious, it’s entirely feasible to release the two at the same time.
Alexismad explained why the patch have to be release some days before the season’s start:
That is why it is, but that’s not a necessary step. Plenty of games that has similar features but have them start on patch day. Now sure, if you’ve been around in D3 for a while it’s a given, but if you’re new that’s by no means obvious.
Maybe, D3 is the only game I play with “Seasons” feature.
Season 25’s start date will either be Dec 10th or the 17th. Not likely to be the 24th due to it being Christmas Eve. No way will it be after the holidays due to the gap between season 24’s end and season 25’s beginning being way too long.
if 25 start dec 10th and someone said season might start 9 days after patch, that means the patch can come as soon as tmw? how much a heads up does devs normally give for the patch?
Current season ends on the fifth, patch never comes before season end.
Well, for many years now Blizzard have released non-emergency patches for D3 on a Tuesday. As seasons begin on a Friday, and that start is usually 5 or 12 days after the previous season ended (as they end on a Sunday), that means the patch is 3 or 10 days prior to season start. They used to make sure it was 12 days between seasons, so they had more time to address glaring issues that made it to live before it affecting the upcoming season, but the last one was just a 5 day gap, so this one might be too, which would put Patch 2.7.2 releasing on Tuesday, 7th December ready for a Friday, 10th or 17th December S25 start date.
No, as stated by others the patch itself should come on 7 December. What we are waiting for this week is the patch notes and the confirmation of the S25 start date (10 December probably, or 17 December at the latest)
The current season (season 24) will end on the 5th of December. As such, there’s no way that we’ll see patch 2.7.2 launch before then, as patches tends to launch after a season ends, and before a new season begins. As for how much of a heads up, the developers give, some times they give a minor heads up (as in a minor post somewhere letting everyone know that the patch notes will be up soon) a few days from the actual patch notes being released; and some times we don’t get any heads up. Instead we can only guess and speculate (most of which being based on past experiences with previous seasons and patches).
Several previous patches were released on the first Tuesday after the season end. With that in mind patch 2.7.2 should release on the December 7th.
As for the next season start the gap between seasons has been 5 days for several previous times so I’d expect S25 to start on the 10th.
Yes I know, it’s standard practice in D3 as I said, but as I also said, if you’re new to D3 there’s nothing obvious about having season not directly linked to the patch.
S15 → S16 was 12 days
S16 → S17 was 5 days
S17 → S18 was 5 days
S18 → S19 was 12 days
S19 → S20 was 12 days
S20 → S21 was 12 days
S21 → S22 was 12 days
S22 → S23 was 5 days
S23 → S24 was 5 days
Based on previous season gaps, it could just as easily be the 10th or 17th for S25.
That is a fair point. S25 can start either on 10th or 17th.
However the patch should be released on the 7th. Non-emergency patches are released on Tuesdays and it’s been long enough since the PTR end for Blizzard to finalize the patch. At least a few previous patches were released on the first Tuesday after the season end.
Or they might release it New Years Eve just to be different.
S25 starting on the 31st would be unusual delay but not entirely impossible. The gap between S11 and S12 was 3 weeks and between S10 and S11 it was a month, although in the latter case the necro had only just been released.
S25 will most likely start either on 10th or 17th. Any other date will require some serious explanations.