Do treasure goblins kill immersion

Man you must be old, I’m 54 and know what that means, kids and the press are famous for getting two words and mashing them together like that

Just the funny thing of adding a dictionary link that does not have terribad as a word, not bad thing just a fun play on words.
It’s all good until someone pokes an eye out. lol

I feel like they are kinda silly but then they drop all that gold and I’m like GIMME!! :sweat_smile:

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I don’t mind goblins at all.

Treasure goblins are fine

Closed doors that do nothing except slow your progress a little are not :stuck_out_tongue:


When you create a project in art, one need guidelines to stick to, and every aspect of the game must be compatible with the guidelines.

Once you start to have an idea, you start to get exceptions, and start breaking your own rules. This is where D4 has already problems because some people came up with some ideas diverging with the serious tone of the franchise.

It’s always the idea of more to an archetype is better. When you add more to an archetype, you don’t have archetypes anymore.

  • If you add sugar to your main course, you don’t have main course
  • If you add a cap and necklace to a suit, you don’t have a suit anymore.

It’s easy to see what you get with a new idea, it’s more shallow to see what you lose.

More in-depth details of artstyle problems: World Bosses, Renaissance, wow systems, maps and more here:

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Yes, they should be removed. Can someone imagine killing Butcher in D1 and then encountering goblin? -_-


I think you might be playing the wrong title if you are looking for depth of story and immersion. :roll_eyes:

I can live with Treasure Goblins.
I agree with the devs when they say it puts you in a situation where you must choose to risk your self or not.

My take is that Treasure Goblins should only spawn on very populated places. Like it’s taking advantage of the mess to be ignored and find treasure.

And the way it looks in the demo is way better that in D3, so, for me, it won’t hurt to have them

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Anything that laughs whilst in the realm of evil is meant to counter the supposed immersion therein.

Diablo is a very loot-centric game. Having something like a treasure goblin fits it perfectly. Of course, they can adjust it to fit into Diablo IV thematically. They could make the design more serious, or introduce some risks when fighting them. If you watch the Diablo 4 art panel you can see that they have these things handled pretty well.

Droprates and rarity of the enemy themselves would need to be balanced as well so that they are neither completely useless, nor the best thing to farm for in the entire game.

Yeah, I’d like to see Goblins do more to defend themselves - That would surprise players.

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I’d personally like to see Goblins in D4 but not as a walking bank but as actual thieves that might come and steal loot if you let it on the ground for more than X sec. In addition they might “assist” some elites to craft more powerful weapons for their pack or self, thus further embracing the fantasy that the Goblin is “harmless” but if you them do “their thing” longer might make you regret

Make them easier to kill than in D3 but make them escape fast and instead of going into a portal make them go underground and pop out somewhere else, not too near but not too far either… IF you kill them they might drop a few items but certainly not “act boss loot” kind of gain

i.e. the “fantasy” of the Goblin should be changed, not the actual unit removed. Instead of making them be a “bonus out of nowhere”, make them be a “other monsters are a X% greater threat” if you leave them unchecked

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I would like to see this too. When you engage them let them drop a trap to slow us down or summon a pack of elites to keep you occupied. It would make killing them more challenging and possibly more rewarding.


Or maybe turn around with a scimitar and hamstring you - 50% reduced movement speed for 12 seconds.

Treasure goblins in D3 were a fun aspect of the game. I actually think that the mechanic should be retained but with an appearance/audio adjustment to fit a grittier atmosphere in D4. “Embrace the darkness” they say, and not the dorkiness :stuck_out_tongue:

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Goblins are not a big problem if they fit in the scene.

What we want to see in D4 :

What really can break immersion if microtransactions become limitless:

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They should be removed. Treasure goblins are stupid.

They should add instead a super hard monster.

/shrug i honestly find goblins great, they break the monotony of farming… when i’m doing rift key farming and pop a goblin pack i still get happy to see the explosion of loot lol… especially if there’s a gelatenous or two. haha. People need to remember… it’s a game, it’s supposed to also be fun.

I think Quin69 encountered a goblin while streaming D4 at blizzcon, it was actually pretty hard for him to both see and kill and kept kiting him into other monsters. I’d definitely like to see them be a bit more challenging and dangerous.

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I love them. Treasure Goblins are one of the best parts of the game for me. I love that you have to put your greed over your safety and charge after it into a pack of mobs (usually), and I especially love the realms they can open. I find them a really fun break from regular things.

I also want secret rooms/items/areas back in D4 too.