"Disorderly Conduct" achievements issue


I am writing with an issue related to my achievements in the game. I am having trouble getting progress counted towards the “Disorderly Conduct” achievement. Specifically, when completing the events “The War that Time Forgot” and “The Demonic Prisoner” in co-op mode, they were not credited to my progress. I attempted to redo “The War that Time Forgot” with a friend, but unfortunately, it still did not count. I have recorded video evidence just in case. I am awaiting your response.

You’ll be waiting a long time.

This is how Blizzard’s Bug Report system works:

  1. You find what you believe to be an in-game bug and report it.
  2. Blizzard’s QA Team reads it.
  3. If they can reproduce the issue they will pass the information on to the Developers.
  4. If they cannot reproduce it or they determine it is NOT a bug, it gets ignored.
  5. Blizzard does not respond in the Bug Report forum.

The only explanation you will get is from other players. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with this particular issue.

Then you should include it.

You should probably read How to Write a Good Bug Report as well.

At your Trust Level you have to post links as Preformatted Text.

How to Post Links in Blizzard Forums

  1. Paste the link in your post.

  1. Select the link you just pasted and click the ˂/˃ button on the Reply Editor toolbar.

  1. Click Reply.

Your link will look similar to this: https://youtu.be/jUpRRcPo5xs?si=2ZXQGE0ORquDOrbS

There is no bug

The events The War that Time Forgot, The Time Trap and The Demonic Prisoner have to be accomplished in Campaign mode, not in Adventure mode.

Don’t ask me why, but it’s like that.


There are lots of threads that mention “The war that time forgot”

In those threads, you’d find explanations such as this…


I had forgotten all about that.  

I guess I could’ve helped after all.  

Good thing we have people like @Strix and @Meteorblade!