Disintegrate Problem

You use Disintegrate by holding down a key while it fires a steady ray. But what if you are equipped with Bane of the Stricken? This increase your damage with every attack.
So if you hold down the Disintegrate key for several seconds, does that only count as one attack? I tried it both ways, and it really does look like using my signature spell (left mouse button) works better than Disintegrate.
All help appreciated.

You’ve got answers both in DH forum and general discussion :slight_smile: There is a tick rate which means that you also get benefits like life per hit when channeling.
Besides that Stricken is only used in some builds it’s not universally good.

Thank you, Jazz.

Thank you. I understand that the number of “ticks” is determined by your attack speed, so that you will be credited with more than one attack if you simply hold the button down for Disintegrate.

In other words, Disintegrate and Bane of the Stricken do work together.

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