Discounted rate for game we already own multiple copies of?

A lot of people currently have purchased Diablo II a looong time ago. Why is the pre-order of the same game so expensive? Can we get a discounted rate if we already own the game?

You own Diablo 2 (2000) and LoD (2001). Older games that play on the legacy Battlenet. You will be able to continue to play those in the future just as they are.

The new D2R with all the improvements, graphics changes, change to modern bnet infrastructure, etc. - is a separate game purchase.

Just like you don’t usually get a discount on a movie when you buy the special director’s cut edition just because you bought the basic one 5 years prior.

If you think it’s the same game, why do you feel compelled to pre-order it?

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Its not a concept that has never been iterated in this industry before. I own games on steam that I either got for free or were heavily discounted because of a re-release/remaster of a game I purchased the earlier version of.

The market, and activision are currently incredibly bullish and are more than happy to charge.