Discord for Diablo 2 Resurrected [discord.gg/d2resurrected]

FG Is a problem in a way and in a way It’s not. To me personally D2JSP has increased diablo2 replayability hundredfold. The site Is also easily the biggest d2 community and has hundreds of guides for everything about D2. The way I read some peoples comments here you get the expression that the site Is full of only hackers and botters which Is not true lol.

Farming for Items ingame and then selling them on d2jsp was to me very enjoyable back in the day (and still Is and will be In the future too). And overall made trading much more enjoyable than looking for ages ingame for the right game name to find something you were looking for.

I’m sorry but I don’t see any option not to use d2jsp in D2R as well. (Not until blizzard comes up with their own currency and website for similar stuff)…

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Apparently D2 is one of the few games where people are ok with P2W. Keep dual wielding those credit cards.


if someone buys credits from another website that doesn’t have anything to do with blizzard to buy and sell stuff in a game for trade so be it , its not breaking any rules from the toa in d2 you can trade anything which is what it should be. Every ladder nobody has anything, when it starts, if a player works hard and by luck gets for example a tal rasha chest piece , he can spam games to try and sell it if he doesn’t want it are he can go to the site that is not in anyway affiliated with blizzard and advertise he has one which reaches out to hundreds of people instead of 8 and he can then get in contact with someone that wants it and make a deal for it , then go to game and meet up , nothing wrong with this,

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Thing is that if a third-party trade entity using virtual money comes in the equation, you easily break the ingame currencies for people who don’t use this third-party website.

In the end, people do what they want and I’m no juge.

But our community will gather people that want to play without D2JSP and bots. Good ol’days like.

Peace !


It would be great to play without bots and D2JSP. I keep my fingers crossed for that! :slight_smile:


You can check this topic, which is interesting : Did the devs invite us to use JSP?

As I said, using or not using bots & JSP is none of my business. People will do what they want anyway. We’ll just provide a place for those who do not want to be part of this ^^

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This community is amazing quite honestly. Exactly what I wanted.

Everyone is friendly, helpful, the owner is super nice and motivated and the Discord is separated in very clear sections.

Come check it out.

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If you are against JSP, you should be against Discord as well…
Get some standards that arent double.

I didn’t saw Discord interfere on Diablo 2 economy, but, okay ? Maybe explain things a little bit more x)

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There are plenty of Discord groups focused on bots, hacks, trading, ect… I dont care personally, I am just pointing out that if you are against one, you should be against all.

That makes no sense whatsoever. It’s like saying: “There are some forums who condone hacking and botting so you should stop creating forums entirely”.

The tool is not the problem, it’s how it’s handled and by whom.


So if I get it the way you wrote it : Just because some have malicious intents on various Discord servers I shouldn’t use the platform in order to promote non-malicious intents ? That’s… stupid.

As I said multiple times before : People do what they want on their communities or characters but on ours, we don’t allow this.

We’re just a group of enthousiasts old D2 players that aim for a vanilla-like experience. It’ll be fine for us to trade item-to-item, to vouch for others and to help each others out.
That’s all that matters.


Correct, all I am saying is stop acting like JSP is the only game in town that crashes a d2 economy and houses botters and what not.
Lots of others out there, so if you are going to speak about 1, speak about them all.
If someone posted a thread about a sub forum on JSP for Legit Player Community, it would get crucified by people like you on here lol… All I am saying is quit with the double standards and focus on the proper channel here, Blizzard needs to unify its player base with a legit Trade Forum to make all of the third party ones obsolete.

So does anyone who buys items for real cash.
Sadly RMT isn’t really “fixable” in a game with free trading and ultimately all you can do is choosing to play the game the way you prefer.

But I quite honestly think that the impact of RMT and jsp will be much weaker if they are getting the bot and dupe problem under control.

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I agree with you at some point when you’re saying Blizz needs to offer the community a proper trade platform item-to-item.

In the meantime, the community itself has no other choice than creating its own rules. And my point of view is that I do not want to play & interact with botters and D2JSP users. That’s just me ! But that’s also others POV, and that’s why we’re trying to gather : in order to be able to play & trade based on those values.

I’m not an angry man either, I won’t spit on people using it, I’m not their dad. But I just want not to play with them ^^


D2JSP is like social media. You know it’s bad, it’s bs, everyone should just stop using it. But choosing not to use while you know other won’t stop using it makes you feel like you’re missing out on stuff. So you just decide to complain while still using it.

Blizzard should be innovative and create a solution so we don’t have that option anymore.


Very true, until there’s an official alternative to D2jsp, ppl will use it

Not sure I see a solution where JSP is concerned. I also don’t mind the presence of bots when it comes to mf’ing. The part that I feel needs to be closely regulated is the infringement of bots on the ladder.

Please no baal or CS bots on the ladder. It ruins a huge component of the game.

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this is a nice discord community, approved by Fizzlebang!

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Thanks, we’re already more than 300 people there. I’m glad people come and suggest improvments on it.
As the Beta is a little closer each day, we’re getting hyped all together x)