Disclaimer: D2 drop rates are low

That part frustrated me sooo much when I was younger but when D3 was patched to the way it is now, it was just terrible… you don’t feel any pride in the drops, whereas in D2 you know you actually worked for the stuff you do have and getting an upgrade just feels so much more rewarding


I am probably going to be in the minority here (maybe not since this is the D2 forums :wink: ), but my favorite part of D3 was when it first came out, inferno was literally impossible, and my original plan was to farm my life away until I got just enough gear to possibly survive Inferno on HC. I remember going through like 8 characters on HC trying new builds and trying to get enough survivability to advance. It was the most fun I had in gaming in a long time.

Then they nerfed inferno and I was so sad.


I wonder WHY though… I mean they COULD have just fixed the parts where having the wrong main stat on caster gear wouldn’t happen insted of just throwing everything at the player… They literally could have just fixed the wrong itemization for the character that had it drop and that would have been it

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Awww boohoo man you can’t gear out the first week you play the game. Go somewhere else with your crying about drop rates. Go play Diablo 3 if you want your character to be jacked 3 hours after the first level.


That’s the story of D3 though. Why did they squander so many opportunities where they could have made it a great game…

Try reading the full OP and rest of thread?

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My best guess is they gave in to the masses crying about how the game was too hard.

At least with D2R, the expectation will be that this is a slow progression with an unforgiving difficulty for old and new players alike. Let’s hope they stick to their roots.

The drop rates should be low. Literally disagree with everything you just said. You want instant gratification, go play another game.

The OP made this post as a PSA (Public Service Announcement) warning those not experienced with D2 that the drop rates are low. If you read his entire post you can see he’s in favor of the low rates. You disagreeing with everything he said means you want higher rates, which contradicts your first sentence. No one in the thread that I’ve read so far has been in favor of higher drop rates for D2R.


Max lvl rush in 5 hours never worked in D2, the whole way to Baal Hell (and leveling to a decent level in the remaining time) did happen.
Which basically meant portal to boss indeed, but at some points you had to do a few more things, for example travincal before you could go to Mephisto and more impactfull the Ancients which cannot be done without a character having the quest present and a certain level was needed (20/40/60 depending on diff), but if 1 player of say 20 was present on Mount Arreat and in the party the quest would trigger for everyone in the party, even lvl 1 characters thus everyone could go to Baal. (ancients free ride probably was a bug)

It’ll be really interesting to see:

a) how modern gamers react to 20+ year old game design decisions, and
b) how VV responds to those reactions.


Good, so I agree with OP

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I expect many younger players to quit quite fast, most of them are use to no pain, no effort, style games.
The long grind will have casualties and things like Iron Maiden or Duriel will demand sacrifices :stuck_out_tongue:


I haven’t done one in 10+ years but I thought back when Uber Trist first came out, you could get a lvl 1 in a Hell Uber Trist portal (via the bugging through method you mentioned) and then level insanely quick at least into the 90s with a few “resets” to avoid lag from everything. I believe they nerfed the XP (or maybe part of the global having to be close in lvl and proximity to get XP change) so that’s no longer viable though. Also required some good coordination to keep Uber Mephy spawning and at least 2 Hdins to destroy the spawns quickly.

Of course in D3 you could get a PL to max level in about 5-10 minutes :man_facepalming:

IM was removed from the Knights though right, so they may not have to live through that aspect.

Except for the fact that people often enjoy being overpowered…

D3 was bad for plenty of other reasons, most notably story and than on release champions had enrage timers you couldn’t pass without getting loot from them in the first place.

Ah thanks for the info. I only ever played SP back in the day and never powerlevled anything - it felt wrong to me …

I’m looking forward to reading forums while I’m at work tonight
Drop rates to low
Countess killed me
Adri killed me
Game to hard I quit
Will be the topics tonight
Life is tough kids get used to it lol

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You forgot “I can’t get past Duriel he must be bugged”


Most won’t get that far I bet

I don’t think that Inferno from D3 release could be a good example.

I mean, when the ideal strat is a combination of zerging and leeching through most of the game, with the exceptions of mandatory mobs to kill (enrage timer), with unavoidable damage, and so on, there’s also something wrong with the game. D2 feels slow but rewarding, while that early D3 just gave you uninspiring loot and gave a sense of being perma stuck.

I mean, finding the right spot is an art. Moving the dial all the way to one extreme or the other is something that everyone can do.


I did enjoy d3 before it got nerfed
I’m hoping they don’t make D4 o easy I want to play D4 like I have D2
Never max lvl or found a shako on D2 in 20 years. I’m hoping I get lucky this time round