Diablo use a lot and i say A LOT of internet data! HELP

i am in rural area and data is limited to 100 gb per month. noticed about a week ago that my internet data usage is going up and up like crazy.im not doing much with that data , not even watching netfliox or youtube or any other online services…mostly gaming and browsing internet.so i decided to reset my data readings yesterday and found out that when i played diablo 3 for almost 4 hours it used 3.5 gb of my data. even more i reset data readings again to make sure if its diablo and launched the game played 1 greater rift which was around 10 mins and it used 287 mb for playing 10 mins !!! and even more i reset my router to deafualt settings before doing all my researches !never had such a problem…looking for help , thanks

You play D3 on their servers and not on you PC even if you play alone. Everything you do is send to their servers and the other way around. I don’t see an other explaination for this.

i understand what you said , but its uncommon !! and in my situation this is crucial , because im on limited data plan ! the game ate 40% of my data for 10 days… just game itself !!! and as i said i ve been playing game for years and never had this problem with data !!

Seems alot for D3, I would guess its something else eating your data. Just because you only have d3 open does not mean something else is not eating data.

If on Windows 10 open resource monitor and keep an eye on Network tab. Might tell you more as its live information to which processes are using the network.

yeah it a lo …like super a lot ))) its D3 100% , because i can see it in win 10 data usage app , it clearly says diabloiii64 - tons of mbs of data )))

I recently DLed diablo2 and diablo 3 again and then updated battlenet and it used A LOT of data. I was wondering the same thing. But I was thinking it was from the original downloading not from gameplay.

Hi. If someone still has this problem, try to delete all cache. It helped me.

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i have the same probleme , for 20 minutes Diablo 3 uses 500 MB just for playing ! i tried it on 2 different computers it is using about 1gb per hour and no update is going on , when i check the data usage meter it is only d364.exe that is cosuming so much please help even beta version of bnet same thing even clearing the cache didnt clear the issue

…besides the necro…

Checked, because I was not 1000% (One Thousand! :wink: ) sure. On a “normal” installation of Diablo 3 on PC there is no executable with that name anywhere on the hard drive. Nor does one getting created with that name in memory when the game is running.

Options: Running on a MAC, a virus, a third party software (Steam maybe?) In all three cases, this problem will probably not get “fixed” here…

All of Blizzard’s games require a broadband connection, so while I’m not sure what increased the data needed, it probably wouldn’t be considered a bug.