Diablo players wants two different servers

This is the key point, and the point of this thread.

Don’t get distracted. We are supposed to be focusing on how titillating the player selection screen is.

This would be a major blow to ffa players because you would have so little playing ffa compare to shared! Your looking at ghost town for one server and any modern gamer is going to pick personal loot!

I think its pretty clear, unless like above 70% want change to personal loot, there is no reason to change anything. And two servers just because of it is nonsense. It would only split community. If you dont like FFA loot, you can create private games.

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The majority if its ploot could say the same to ffa loot though.

You guys don’t like what the majority does then too bad, play the old Diablo or wait for a ffa mod :man_shrugging:

You are not special, you didn’t play the game longer or more then some of the people who want or are open to ploot option

It’s not your game, everyone’s paid.

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But my point is that you already can have personal loot, just create solo game. Or play with friends and share as you like.

That’s not what most people want man.

People want to be able to play with strangers because strangers are always available.

I’d much rather play in 8 player games then solo… so would a lot of people

Ffa is an anti-social byproduct

Also the majority of ploot suppprt is for optional so that ffa can still have ffa

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That doesn’t solve anything that promotes toxic and anti social behavior! Go play a priv game by your self or click faster! Personal loot will save Thai game ffa will keep it in the dark ages! Wow I want to play friends and not worry about clicking faster wow it’s such a hard concept! There is a reason this game is dead spoiler it’s dated and ffa loot is anti social and promotes toxic game play fact

Lol, Its actualy opposite, personal loot is antisocial because you dont need any kind of social interaction with your team mates regarding the loot as its automatic and given to you by system randomly.

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That makes absolutely 0 sense

If anything you would talk more to find out what everyone got on a run or after they announce it in game

Someone also mention a world tag notification for elite drops found in games which I think would be pretty cool

Ffa loot the general population will do what they have always done, play alone or join a pub game, not party/unparty/party play alone and go kill stuff solo for drops

You mean you would be agry that game screwed you over and player who was leeching got shako and you blue linked mail? For example?

Personal loot will only cause issues. Feel free to disagree.

No. A personal loot option will make multiplayer games more abundant. Way too many people play mostly single player games online in the beginning of ladder to get all of the items that drop. With personal loot as an option, I expect those of us that love doing pub chaos and baal runs to spend more time doing those instead of private mf runs. Multiplayer games are more social than single player. Lol

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Ahahaha I would be angry?

No I’m angry when pickit steals everything in ffa or certain classes have loot drop advantages for grabbing
I’m angry that people are so full of themselves
“Get faster fingers newb”

That makes me angry


I always joined public game as i was playing solo too. I will most likely not join public game with personal loot at all because it will not be fun that game will decide for me what i will get and and others will get. I want to influence what i will pick up.

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I agree with you. I’m normally quick and can snatch the items unless someone is picketing, but I have people new to the series that will be playing with me and they’re older and less likely to be able to grab things with FFA loot.

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Then only join games that have FFA loot assigned… You won’t be forced to play with personal loot. I’m playing PD2 right now and the game is so antisocial because people just get through the game together then they spend all day farming in solo private games. That will happen on D2R too unless personal loot is an option.

To clarify: We want a personal loot option upon game creation that just divides up drops, we do not want increased drop rates or a separate realm.

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Because some of us want to level together and don’t mind loot being distributed. Believe it or not, people play maps on PoE with friends with this loot option.

Having a personal loot option isn’t going to ruin the game and as I’ve said it will actually make the game more social as more people will be playing together.

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If you play with friends there is no reason for personal loot unless you friends are greedy morons.

It doesnt matter anyway, they will keep FFA loot because they will not be doing such a big change if only 40% players want it.


Ploot isn’t about just friends…
It’s about the general community.

People will play in public games ALOT more with ploot optional.


Why? Why would you create game where you can get less loot?

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