Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

Hey, you don’t need to apologize to me, I’m very thick skinned, and the F-bomb does not offend me.

Sometimes when I’m being feisty, I might say “insert f-bomb here” - that generally gets the idea across and doesn’t raise a flag (hopefully, since I’ve never done that on this site - Ha!).

Yes, same. Since new D3 forums opened I reported only one person talking some straight crap to me.

This shows why we have to still be conservative about the D4 itemization - we don’t know the full picture yet.

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Yeah for sure. My impression of the Outriders system is that you can lose progress toward unlocking the next difficulty tier, but once it’s unlocked you can’t lose it.

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Lol at this guy! For some reasons, I read your reply’s like you are just trolling and lol’ing hard in real life.

But yea, sadly you are serious.

You travel more then you kill monsters while doing Bounties in D3. Care to share your QQ’ing about this in the past? No ? Ok …

If you want a room full of monsters and kill them while you stay in the middle, I recommend you play … well … no game?!

Seriously , tell me 1 ( one ) good exemple of a game where you don’t…travel to achieve something and which you can proudly give it as an exemple of how D4 should be.

/waiting …


I just get the feeling we will have to travel a lot through empty locations.
It is easy to say the entire game map is x big.
Back in the day I participated in D3 vanilla beta and always suggested Blizzard to increase mob density but they never listened and now this makes me feel that by using mounts will make this even worse. I really believe having mounts can really become a really big problem. Big enough to break the game.

We already discussed the return of bounties in D4 - even the trolls stay silent at the topic. Make notes!

Empty or not (skipping trash), it looks exactly like this, which I suppose is cool for MMO-ers, but I am an aRPG-er and it isn’t cool for me.

Wait, are you going to quote just a part of my post which i see no reference to “BUT WE TRAVELING WHILE DOING BOUNTIES AND THAT’S NOT WHAT ARPG IS ALL ABOUT” … ? What about the almighty game you are …referring ( maybe? ) where you don’t travel ?

Still waiting for exemples , unless … you will keep ignoring the question! :slight_smile:

Im worried about the game.

1.- most of the player dont want a MMO we want a ARPG i dont wanna play with others obligatorily

2.- Itemization seems the same on diablo 3, few mods, legendarys with random mods, no green sets with nice visual effects

3.- We want RUNEWORDS whit unique mods not just runes… runes allow white items to be usefull.

4.- Passive tree is a joke that dont allow us to do a lot of builds on same character. Take a look on what Path of exile is doing.

5.- Like for real you are doing the game so basic to allow console players to play with, again check path of exile the game is so complex and can be played in console.


Hey, you could use bounties for PVP. The people with the highest kill count could have bounties on their heads. It would almost be a PVP leaderboard, the most notorious PVP’ers on top…


Travelling is certainly part of an A-RPG, in reasonable amounts.
Being able to traverse an area fast, is one way to make a character stronger. It would indeed be crazy to remove travelling entirely.
That is what leads to current D3 (G)Rifts, where there are too many enemies (leading to too weak enemies), because people cried they had to move for 3 seconds without seeing any enemies :frowning: Sigh.

That said, I also have to agree with others that the overworld design, and mounts, might lead to a lot of pointless travelling. Not necessarily the horses themselves, but I sadly cant imagine the overworld will be a meaningful part of the end-game, since the forced multiplayer kinda ruins all concept of challenge. For travelling to feel good, there has to be “secrets” to be found in the world, and potential challenge lurking around every corner.

White items can be perfectly useful without runes becoming a part of it.

Seems to me “The Witcher 3” did a near perfect job of using mounts, waypoints and having an empty feeling in some of the areas (with danger lurking around every corner). But it was a solo game - but one of the creative directors is from that design team.


Which means, adding it right in D4 could lead to an awesome game!


I like this idea a lot, Bovie.

It could definitely be implemented on a clan vs clan level for example the top clan members are bounties for another clan. The reason for that to not be on a global level (someone being a bounty for everyone) is that it would be really tedious at some point to be a PvP-er since anyone would want your head (for that juicy price that could scale with number of kills and quality of equipment worn).

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One question keeps popping into my little pea brain!
When this game is finished, around the 3rd or 4th expansion will I be able to visit any of the places in previous Diablo games? Travincal the durance of hate - The monastery from the Sisters of the sightless eye - New Tristram - Tamoe Highlands… You know places from D2 & D3. Supposedly all of Sanctuary will be mapped out.


Diablo 4 Feedback


I want to start by saying that I am a big Diablo Fan, with almost 10 000 hours of Diablo 2, I remember watching my big brother playing Diablo 2 when I was 7 years old and then I started playing Diablo 2 when I was 8 years old. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games and I also think it is the best game ever made. In 2012 I started to play Diablo 3 and I have almost 8000 hours in Diablo 3 (mostly played in Vanilla). In 2020 I have gone back Diablo 2 again and I also have started playing Path of Exile and I have almost 400 hours of PoE.

The reason for the post
I am making this post as feedback and to express my opinion as someone who has played ARPGS, specifically Diablo 2. I do not believe I am always correct, I do not think the D4 Devs need to hear this to make a great game, nor do I believe my opinions should even matter to them. I simply offer this as feedback in hopes of sparking ideas and generating discussion that can be useful.

Table of content

  • Itemization
  • Talents
  • Skills
  • Endgame
  • Leveling
  • Other thoughts that other games are doing.
  1. Itemization

Let’s start with itemization. Itemization is the most important system in an ARPG If the itemization is bad the game also becomes bad. D4:s current itemization system is very simple and shallow. The reason why D4:s current itemization is very simple is because of the fact that you will be fully geared with Legendaries and that is a shallow itemization because the magic and rare items are not even close to the legendary item. In Diablo 2 every tier of items was useful, such as white/grey, magic, rare and unique. And I think that D4 needs to copy the D2 Itemization idea where every tier of an item is useful in some regard to each other.

Here is the reason why D2:s items were so good:

White/Grey Bases: D2 had different bases for swords, axes, maces, etc. which was often white and these were used to form a rune word. But white items were also used for some class-specific items, an example of that is necros wand, sorc wand, druid helm, barbarian helm, paladin shields, which gave like 4-5 affixes. These items could be useful for a very long time. Also, you had the quest reward where you could upgrade a white item to a rare item from act 1.

Magics: Magic items were also useful because magic items could roll the highest affixes but only up to 2 affixes, 1 prefix, and 1 suffix. Blue items could be very good for some niche build where you focused on getting as many skill levels to one specific, an example of that is the Amazon javelin skills.

Rares: Rare items could roll 6 affixes, but not as high rolls as magic items. Here could you make a decision if you want to have higher rolls to your affixes by using magic items or if you want more affixes, then you could take the rare items. An example of that could be if you needed to hit a certain threshold of elemental resists.

Uniques: Unique items were items that had UNIQUE affixes that no other item could have, which gave them this identity. They also rolled with static affixes which varied in ranges of the items affixes. Unique items are build defining items that you need to form a certain build, because of the static affixes.

Sets: Set items in D2 were not that good, but their purpose was to make it easy for new players to get a build going by using sets. Set items were also used in some niche cases where you wanted tal rashas armor for MF.

This gave every tier of rarity a strength and a weakness. Which also makes these items more valuable than Diablo 3:s rarities, where only sets and legendaries are good, where there is almost no point of having common, magic and rare items, they could drop as materials instead of an item because they are so useless compared to sets and legendaries.

I would like to see that Diablo 4 goes back to the Diablo 2 itemization system where every rarity has a purpose and useful even for the endgame. I would also like to see that they are going back where uniques/legendaries have static affixes that always roll on this specific item and these affixes are build defining.

Different bases
I would also like to see that they are going back to where armors and swords have different base types and these base types have some special affix on it.

Weapon Bases
Sword Examples: (These affixes are just examples.)

Cutlass gives you 1.25 Attack speed and gives you the open wound affix.

Long sword has 1.10 attack speed and it also gives you the slashing affix.

Scimitar has 1.50 attack speed

Short Sword has 1.20 attack speed and it also grants you the impale affix.

Axe Examples: (These affixes are just examples.)

Hatchet has 1.05 attack speed and it also gives you an X % bleed chance.

Tomahawk has 1.10 attack speed and it also gives you 10 % more bleed dmg.

Viking Axe has 1.30 Attack speed and it also gives the ability to spread your bleed to nearby enemies.

Double axe has 1.05 attack speed and it gives you the deadly strike affix.

This gives players more choices if each sub-weapon type has a static affix. This also gives the game more depth and complexity. but also more customization because you have more options to choose from depending on what build you are pursuing. The more depth and complexity the better the game stays relevant and fresh because it gives you as a player more things to consider into your build.

Armor bases
For Armor, you could have something similar to how Path of Exile is doing with their armors, where armor could have:

  • Armor

  • Armor + Evasion Rating

  • Armor + Energy Shield

  • Evasion Rating

  • Evasion Rating + Energy Shield

  • Evasion Rating + Armor

  • Energy Shield

  • Energy Shield + Evasion Rating

  • Energy Shield + Armor

I think that Diablo 4 could do something similar to their armors and give these armor affixes some specific meaning. This also gives the player more choices on what items you would like to get.

Affixes Feedback:

Something that I also would like to see is that weapons have dmg ranges, like 30 - 78 dmg, where you could modify your dmg with these affix:

  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Fire Damage].”
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage].”
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Lightning Damage].
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Physical Damage].”
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage].”
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Storm Damage].”
  • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Earth Damage].”

This also means that your weapon ranges could different elemental damages. so if you have normal dmg (physical dmg) and an affix that says Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage]. then you also have poison dmg on that weapon. Give affixes more of a flat range and not only percentages.

Also, I think attack speed is important to different weapons so it divides weapons to weapons. Because it is kinda weird if a 2hand mace is a fast as a Dagger.

Resist capping is also important in ARPG, it gives you that puzzle to solve. Swapping your gear around to hit these certain thresholds.

Affixes that ruined Diablo 3 were Critical hit damage, Critical hit Chance, and cooldown reduction I would like to see that Diablo 4 does not fall into the same trap as what D3 did. I am not a fan of the high numbers that Diablo 4 legendaries have, where a 2handed mace have 2300 weapon attack. it makes the game more difficult to balance and it also incentives power creep if you increase the max level to 50 in a future expansion.

  1. talent trees

Next up are the talent trees. Diablo 4 current talent trees are very shallow where you only can go down one path. I would like to see that every class talent tree is as big as the wolcen tree. In practice does that mean that every class has its own wolcen tree. The reason for a big tree is that it gives the players more ways to spec their characters and it also gives the characters more customization. It also increases the depth and complexity of the game if you have more options to choose from when your building your character. Something I would like to see is game-changing nodes so your character does something unique, an example of that is that you use life instead of mana/fury/spirit.

  1. Skills

I think that Diablo 4 should stay away from long cooldowns because that is a problem with Diablo 3. The reason why it is a problem because you are being forced to get cooldown reduction on every single piece of gear because these long cooldown abilities are often very powerful and to compensate for that you need to give them a cooldown.

I think that the D4 Devs should remove cooldowns from the game and use resources instead, such as Mana, Fury, Spirit. I feel that Cooldowns fit MMO:s better than ARPG:s, Resource such as Mana is very good for a game like Diablo, look at Diablo 2, you get that flow of gameplay because you are not bound to cooldowns as you are in D3.

The flow of the game suffers if you have to Wait for your cooldowns to be back up, especially long cooldowns as ultimates. Such as wrath of the berserker, Land of the Dead etc.

I think we can expand the skill customization that D4 has presented so far. A game that seems to have the most exciting skill system is Last epoch where every skill in the game has its own skill tree where you can customize the outcome of your skill by choosing nodes in the skill tree and that is super interesting. I also think that Diablo 4 could do something similar to their skill system.

Skill Decisions
I don’t like that you could potentially max out every single skill in D4, I love it when you have to make decisions, of course, you can have a respec system where it cost a lot of materials or other rare resources to respec your skills. The reason why I love that you cannot max out every single skill in Diablo 2, is that it makes your character unique and it also gives you that identity that my Barbarian is different from other barbarians. It also makes the game more replayable because you can play as the same class but another spec. It also makes it so that you can different characters for different types of content (Endgame).

  1. Endgame
    In my opinion, it needs to be a variety of endgame activities.

The key dungeon sound really cool and fun. But I feel that you can also add Uber bosses, bosses that are really hard and difficult who drop specific items that you only can find by killing them.

Another Endgame system could be something similar to Delve from Path of Exile, but instead of going deeper into the mine you are going deeper into hell, so you start at the surface and then you are going deeper into the depth below, where you at some point reach Hell.

  1. Leveling

From Level 1 to max level
Leveling needs to meaningful, in Diablo 3 Leveling from 1-70 is basically pointless because the gear that you have found along the way to level 70 is obsolete when you reach level 70, so I hope that Diablo 4 copies Diablo 2:s approach to the early game where you can find a very good item early on that you can hold on to.

I do not like paragons if they go to infinity, but do like the fact of a finite system, but something that I have thought about is that you can have paragon levels as some sort of ascendancy, so when you get to max level you can ascend into a subclass to that class you are playing, and that ascendancy has its own talent tree, so you get even more customization. For example, if you are playing a barbarian and then when you get to max level you can ascend into a subclass of your choice and that ascendency have its own talent tree that you can level up by getting more “paragon” levels to a finite max paragon level.

  1. Other thoughts that other games are doing.

Something that Path of Exile is doing well that Diablo 4 can learn from is that they are implementing things for everybody in a new league/season. So, for example, they are implementing new:

  • Crafting system
  • Endgame boss that only 10 % of the player base can reach.
  • Lore
  • items
  • Skills
  • talent changes
  • nerfs/buffs
  • endgame content

That is it for me I hope you enjoyed my thoughts, feel free to add something you want to see changed or other feedback that I have missed.


Hello Diablo IV dev team!!
Thank you very much for your update, it was a very interesting read.
I’ll drop down some of my thoughts about it.

Art - i loved the demon models and the process involved, i think that kind of design fits very well with the Diablo series so I hope everything else in the game will have the same style.

Storytelling - I like that you moved away from the D3 style of storytelling, because in today’s modern times of gaming that style, even for an action RPG like Diablo feels more and more retro or outdated, and also it takes away a lot from a more personal or detailed and emotional storytelling that would be possible with today’s technology. If I had to make an example of how I would like to see the evolution of this I would take the God of War series. From GoW 3 to Gow Ps4 the improvement in storytelling was fantastic. I would like to play not only a good Diablo game, but also to enjoy a good dark horror fantasy story in this universe.

Open World - I like for now the ideas, as soon as you keep the option to group with other people, just an option and not a necessity in order to progress through the game or to gain a certain content or items. I still play Diablo today after 23 years because I can do it alone, and only occasionally with some friends, and not because I would be forced to be a part of big groups and schedule my time with everyone else, which is hard (reason I play and prefer Diablo series and not WOW). Camps seems to be a very nice idea and I would like to hear more about it. Are these to be considered as some sort of hideout? Or you also have plans for those too? I also like the ideea of mounts, if the world to explore will be very big, it only makes sense to have some kind of fast travel, other than waypoints.

Multiplayers - as above, I agree very much with the scope of the party being small and not something like a MMO. I also have some questions for the future updates if it’s possible for you to answer.

  1. What will be the party limit in multiplayer? 4 or more?
  2. Will it be possible to have as followers, other classes from the class selection? Example, if I play a Sorceress, can i choose as a follower a Barbarian or Druid, or even more than 1 (like up to 3, to have a 4-men team)?
    I would like to see this possibility, be it for the end game content, or as a separate game mode, to be able to control at once, more than one class at once.

Items and Progression - I think we still have to know more about the character’s statistics in order for us to understand better the items and how good they are for that type of stats. How will the character grow? What will define it? Will the Strengh, Dexterity, Intelligence triade return or not? Because for me, for now, the Angelic/Demonic/Ancestral affixes seem more like stats for items more than something intrinsic to the character. Another little issue a find here, is some kind of redundance in affixes about those 3 Ang Dem Anc. They occupy a lot of slots in an items description and i wouldn’t like to see on all the items only combinations of these 3, it would be too monotone. I saw on some items up to 3 slots only about those affixes… maybe some sorting or separation of affix type would be useful, like to group the ones that give you the stats “+15 angelic power” etc and the group for the activated effects, maybe another idea for a better readability is to keep hidden the non activated affixes, and to open them manually if we want to see what’s needed to activate them.
Another thing i’m concerned about are the affixes with %. Those are very dangerous and create very easily power creep. Use the % only on stats that are meant to be fixed, to have a fixed 100% concept or one that may change very little.

Other - I would like to know more in the next updates about the new classes, or at least about the choices you have to decide upon, maybe a poll on that sense would be useful to understand what we would like to play the most at launch and what could come later with expansions.
I would like to see more about the skill system and how customizable or upgradeable it might be.
I would like to know more about the games music, what kind of music will follow us in our adventures, music is the soul of a game and it has to fit perfectly the atmosphere, or the game may lose a lot of potential. I play very often Diablo 3 with Diablo 2 music because of this, or with my own selection of music because of this very reason.
I wish you a lot of luck with the development and I hope to hear soon new updates from you!!

I envision ADA as basically “Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence”, but it’s simply called something else. You need (itemization dependent) breakpoints for all three.

Unless they give us distributable points it appears to be only obtainable as stats on gear.


Yes. IMO distributed stat points is archiac system. Stats on gear feels more fluid. You don’t need to remake your character because you found a charm upgrade with 12 strength kinda thing.

Some people feel it breaks immersion, but I really don’t get that.

I agree on the first part, but if you have x amount of Demonic and are receiving a crushing blow bonus because of x and you get a really nice upgrade but how below the amount for the bonus it doesn’t feel too good losing the bonus or not equipping the upgrade.

I’d rather have distributable points for ADA. I’d much rather ADA be like guardian ranks in BL3.

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