Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q1 February 2020

its just very inconsequent

you are giving fix stats to items because “some people like it” and then you let them reroll it because “some other people like it”
first of all you are supposed to make a good game that fits together and not bend for everyone

Predetermined affixes are something that made D2 a lot better, because if you had to complement your “main items” with certain other items that you then needed to look out for.

For example, if you wanted to go for the e.g. 110 Faster Hit Recovery Breakpoint, but you are using a specific unique armor that does not have FHR, then you need to e.g. look for specific rare or magic boots that have this affix the complement your build, and discard all the unique boots for this specific build.
inb4: the example is just made up to illustrate the point.

It also gave uniques a very distinct identity.

imo you still should be able to customize your items and your build. You should be able to go to a Mystic / Enchanter so he can put a few predetermined affixes of your choice on an item (regardless of what rarity type the item is), and you also can customize items via gems and runes that can be socketed into them.

That imo is a good middle ground.

Yeah, that maybe seems reasonable in case that it gets too much…

Me neither, that is why I think that predetermined affixes of your choices that can be added via a Mystic or Enchanter should be minor and not even medium level strong. But having a way to add something to an item, aka progression, is something that also makes itemization more interesting.

Affixes from a consumable that adds a random affix to a rare or magic item can be medium strong, since they are random.

That is basically what I had in mind with predetermined affixes of your choice that can be added by a Mystic / Enchanter.

Grim Dawn has one of the better itemization systems in the ARPG genre. Not without flaws imo, but still a very, very good one.

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Yeah, generally the game I look at when it comes to itemization these days. Nothing is perfect of course, but it does a lot of things right.


Absolutely love the details about coop and the controllers.

As a PS4 owner that plays a lot of couch coop D3, it would be helpful to better indicate where the player character is at a given place and time. The R3 (hate this “button”) indicator is a step in the right direction, but being able to remap this to something like the PS4 back button or (speculatively) a new button on the next consoles is exciting.

(Request) UI and Map Pop-out

I have to say the UI options are very underwhelming for PC players (e.g. left or center) so 1990’s. I was hoping that after 10 year since the last iteration of Diablo that Blizzard would be looking to innovate. Technology has come a long way and most PC user make use of ultrawide monitors or multi screen setups and it would be great if Blizzard would as well.

I would love to see more options available, pop-out maps and UI, Instead of the old and outdated overlays.

Why can’t I have the map open on a second screen and have character stats on another. Just have the full releastate of the game clutter free and fully immersive.

API support. have a tablet app that displays character stats and skill cooldowns or your current location on a map.

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At BlizzCon the Blizz Dev said: “WE READ EVERYTHING!” but, when you get to the Diablo 3 forums you eventually learn that some comment sections are PRIORITIZED. I guess the “We Read Everything” is just good marketing. Nevertheless, I wanted to leave my already made comments in the PRIORITIZED section.

As I indicated, I’ve already tried to discuss this elsewhere, so here, I will briefly reiterate my points.

  1. It Demonstrates a childish imagination.
    That “all beneficial effects” are Angelic, and “all negative effects” are Demonic is a pretty childish conceptuality is obvious. And, how exactly is slowing the attack speed of a nearby mob a “negative” power???
  1. It turns the story to gibberish. Doesn’t fit the current diablo thematic universe.
    The Nephalim are supposed to be far and away more powerful than the Angels and/or Demons, why would they have or make recourse to lesser powers? This subject is discussed at length in my thread (which was placed in the NON-PRIORITIZED section) but, to sum it up, the Crafter of these items had to be powerful Nephalim, because neither an Angel or Demon would be able to imbue an item with “Ancenstral” power, and thus the question becomes why would a powerful Nephalim imbue items with lesser powers?

    Also, it raises the question of the status of the Lore and specifically Zolton Kulle. Zolton Kulle’s attempt to create an item that could harness the power of Angels and Demons was supposed to be so radical that it was madness, is the harnessing of the powers of Angels and Demons now supposed to be a commonplace???

  2. It destroys the fantasy, it destroys player choice.
    If a player must prioritize DEMONIC gear in order to play a certain build that completely eliminates the player’s fantasy of their character by giving them no choice but to play a character that sides with Demons or draws on the power of Demons.

  3. It’s just another SET itemization.
    Above the Dev says:

we agree with the feedback that Diablo IV shouldn’t just mimic the itemization in our previous Diablo games

And yet this idea already exists in Diablo 3. This idea is the idea for a SET, the same type of sets that already exist in Diablo 3. In order to gain the 100% increase of the passive effect of your Mystic Ally you need to have 2 pieces of the Set 'Inna’s Mantra." In Diablo 3 each set piece has a set score of 1. And to gain other affixes you need higher set scores. 4 and 6. With this idea you are just doing what has always been done in Blizzard games, inflate the numbers. Instead of each set piece having a set score of 1, one set piece will have a set score of 15 and another will have a set score of 30. But the effect is exactly the same. SETS. More Sets.

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I think that the D4 Devs should remove cooldowns from the game and use resources instead, such as Mana, Fury, Spirit. I feel that Cooldowns fit MMO:s better than ARPG:s, Resource such as Mana is very good for a game like Diablo, look at Diablo 2, you get that flow of gameplay because you are not bound to cooldowns as you are in D3.

The flow of the game suffers if you have to Wait for your cooldowns to be back up, especially long cooldowns as ultimates. Ultimates could be good if they were Implemented like they are in Overwatch were you gain Ultimate charges when you hit an enemy, so you could have 6 abilities and 1 Ultimate. This makes Ultimates more interesting, this makes ultimates more appealing because you get your ultimate charges when you slay Demons. (For Console, you could make it so that you activate your ultimate when you press RB and LB at the same time.)

Also with cooldowns, you get this awful Affix called cooldown, which is essential for you if you play a cooldown build, this makes cooldown stats so important that you need to have it on every single piece of your gear.

Here is a great video from Mrllamasc that illustrates the point even deeper (timestamp 24:00):


If you watched any of the Blizzcon footage, big spells use up an enormous amount of resources. So it does look like it can play a factor.

More gameplay elements = better tbh.
So instead of this fight between resource spending vs cooldowns, to me it seems like having BOTH is best.
Let some builds focus on resources, others on cooldowns, others on a mix etc.

As for cooldown reduction itemization, that is just a matter of balancing the stats. Make it a stat stat is only available on few items, in relatively low values.
And dont have legendaries that cut cooldowns by 75% etc.

Dont have 3 minute cooldowns. Cooldowns should be in the 1-30 sec range in most cases. Maybe up to 60 sec in very rare cases.
As for buff skills, make them like mantras etc. where they have a passive component, and a short-term active component with a cooldown. They should never be something you can, or want to, have up all the time.

also, do not have Ultimates! Now there is a thing which do not belong in an A-RPG. They go directly against the idea of build options, mixing different skills that complements each other, if you have a few “ultimate” skills that beats everything.
One of D4s biggest mistakes so far seems to be those “ultimate” skills.
If nearly all builds incorporates these skills, something is very wrong.
That would be even worse than D3 set items.
And no, changing them to an Overwatch charge system does not make them better.

You can just adjust that with some balance changes.

Not sure what you are inferring. You want resources to matter and in the demo footage resources seemed to matter.

Ye but there is also long cooldowns, there are not just only resource abilities. take boulder as an example from the Demo and the boulder had like 7-8 sec cooldown, and then you had 3 other skills that had “long” cooldowns, so the only thing that you can do is primary attacks and spending attacks, while you were waiting for your other abilities come off cooldowns. Imagine if you had D2:s “resource cooldown” you could have used 3 boulders, 2 of this skill and 4 of that skill. you get so much more strategic depth if you have the power of choosing what skill you want to use. So there will be a billion possiblities for you to do, if you dont have time cooldowns. You should watch Mrllamasc’s video for more indepth talk about this.

Hey, just wanted to make a few points about this thread.

  1. Posts in this thread were being made at a 24+ hour interval before I interrupted that trend with my post.
  2. Since my post activity in this thread has skyrocketed to 1+ post per hour!
  3. All the posts made after my post are OFF-TOPIC spam.
  4. This is NOT a suggestion thread and there is absolutely not a single word in the Quarterly Update about Cooldowns/Resources.

Just thought I’d point out the obvious.

The fact that those topics were not discussed in the update makes it perfectly relevant to bring them up as important topics for upcoming updates.

Feedback about the topics discussed is also feedback.

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I’ve seen a few of his and not interested in much of what he has to say.

Please for the love of God (and Hell :slight_smile: ) stop posting this video… It’s completely retarded and (disclaimer) causes a tunnelvision/pigeonholing syndrome or at least a complete brain-cell loss

Learn to see from more than one perspective, holy god you are the one who has tunnelvision/pigeonholing syndrome…

Then what game was the best between D2 and D3, D2 was far more a superior game than D3.


Yeah, from a dude that has played one and ONLY ONE game seemingly his whole life (other than SC back in the days I guess)

Also don’t assume things for those that critique, I’m not a “CD defender” (especially not at all cost). Either way you’d have to BE AWARE where that “feedback” comes from. It’s from a SPEEDRUNNER

Now tell me how many players (in percentages) does he really represent ?

IDK about you but I severely DENY the belief he has, chugging 7 rejuv potions in a fight is a resource. In my view is either of the two following things:

  • A badly engaged fight
  • An hour more grind

HOW IS THAT a resource ?

To make things worse he even uses BS analogies like “July Zerg” and APM to state something that doesn’t even make sense in a consequential matter. (Other than speedrunning at least)

No ofense, just cause I question “authority” (or authoritative figure/s at least) when it doesn’t make sense it doesn’t make me “dumb” (nor a “D3 fanboy” for that matter)

he actually plays PoE too
D3 he tried…but didnt make it very long XD

Oh you see, in the eyes of the D2 is infallible and clearly the objectively superior game crowd, any criticism of D2 and anyone who doesn’t bend a knee to its presence is obviously an idiot. Somone not smart enough to grasp the genius of D2 and especially if they like D3 is clearly a fanboi and prefers console games because they are dumber down.

I wish what I just said was satire, but I’ve had everyone of those lines lobbed at me by various posters since the D4 reveal.