DIABLO IV - Сonstructive feedback on gameplay

Definitely they must add that or work on it. I like so much this suggestion!

I want to add about dmgs,stats of monters…dependance of size of circle light…
Must be 3 x scaled.difficult.
And dependance from talents,runes,spec.of player spec,size of cirle of light…must be 3 x scaled difficult and dmg’s of demons.
And from time by time darkes start be small circle area.
Even be cool if demons and heroes has advantage effect dependance from daytime and climates!.
That means we should loocking for such specific spec player.
And they should add specialist followers with large size circle of light…and rare followers,not only 3 different types like in D3!

Core idea is dark and light

Secound suggestion:

They should work on rare dungeons with so rare drop key.

That.means not everyone can enter.
Only key keeper player can open it or we be forced to.search this player!.:wink:

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