Diablo IV on Nintendo Switch

Hello there. Why is not diablo IV coming to Switch ? I read about it is because you cant play offline and it is just onlie game.

I got d2 and d3 on switch and for pc. I never played offline in switch. I read if you travel u cannot play. I always played online. And if i was travelling i would activate my smart phone access point and route internet to the switch.

Look well here in Brazil a new nintendo switch cost 2200 BRL. This match to 2 full minimum month salary earned. So its not either person in Brazil has a switch. And a plan of 100 gb internet in a cel phone chip cost only 100 brl month. In a travel u wont use 100 gb playng.

This reason is very strange. Why not coming to switch ?

The Switch can barely handle D3, I would imagine that’s a big reason.

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D3 here runs very smooth. They reduced pixels on port. So its ok.

Yeah, the switch handles D3 just fine for it’s hardware. I imagine Diablo 4 will be quite a bit higher. The Switch port did not come out until 4 years later. I wouldn’t count it out of the equation just yet. It just may take more time.

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Dropping under 60 FPS at 1344x756 is for sure what I would call “barely”.

I play in a samsung ultra hd 55" tv it runs smooth and beautily. Graphics its above any other switch game i have been played.

Ignore the forum trolls. It runs just fine on Switch considering the hardware. People who believe that if a game doesn’t have 100% consistent frame rates or runs at “FULL FAT 4K!” then it’s bad. I can’t imagine how they’d feel playing a game pre 2000. When it comes to Switch, you’re paying for portability and convenience over sheer power.

Heck, Elden Ring’s performance was sub-optimal yet it still won game of the year.

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Maybe because Blizzard doesn’t want to give money to Nintendo…yet?

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D3 already dynamically scales down, and even with that it can’t keep stable 60 FPS as intended. That’s “barely”. It’s not like I keep it to PC standars with 120+ FPS at 4k.

Yeah, I don’t see D4 being on Switch, and this is coming from someone who plays D3 on switch.

I dont care for frames. If i did i would never had bought a switch.


Maybe not, but I have a hard time seeing Blizzard releasing a product that won’t even reach barely nonetheless.

Don’t let forum trolls talk crap about frame rates. Again, Elden Ring won game of the year and it’s frame rate isn’t consistent. Breath of the Wild won game of the year in 2017 and it’s capped at 30… with dips into the 20s.

Of course graphical quality sacrifices will be made to get the software to run on portable devices… I wouldn’t expect D4 to release on Switch until 2025. That or when Switch’s successor comes out, we would likely see on that.


When Nintendo announces Switch 2.0 in the year 2030, I guess we might see Diablo 4 on there. With offline mode :partying_face:

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60fps is 60fps… it doesn’t matter if it’s 1344x756 vs 4k resolution or 60hz vs 120hz.

People make such a weird deal out of resolution. Lots of Switch games run at 720p which is less than 1344x756 and they look great. I think the term “4K” got so marketed that people freak out if it doesn’t reach that point.

Can’t use Ori and the Will of the Wisps as a reference point :slight_smile:

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Switch is notoriously hacked. With cross-progression, the game would be riddled with cheats even more so than it is now.

If it comes to Switch, it should be that Switch gamers can only play with other Switch gamers, sort of like it is now.

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Switch pro is rumoured sometime mid this year.

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The only, and significant, thing going against that rumor is that it was also rumored to be mid-2020, and then mid 2021, then mid-2022.

Can’t find a “holding my breath” emoji :frowning: