Diablo IV Everything i see OUT OF THEME at this moment

i don’t play a ton of games so it’s still new to me! i feel like with all these arpgs they just all seem the same in the end tho… :disappointed_relieved:

Archon unit has been a classic unit since Starcraft 1… but yeah if you dont know the other games of Blizzard its no wonder, you arent tied to like all of their games.

Sadly Blizzard copies too much lately, Kennen was actually also a copy of Dota 1 Storm Spirit Raijin (with Ball Lightning ultimate being even more similar to conductivity of Sorceress in D4) and Blizzard copied Dota & LoL releasing Heroes on the Storm based on custom maps from Starcraft 1 & Wacraft 3, in the end shutting down the E-Sports of heroes of the Storm due employees & share cuts where many fans in the end got disappointed after the fiasco of Diablo Immortal reveal.

timestamp @ 23:38

does seem that way with what you’ve shown me… i haven’t been following anything since the D3 days, which i was a little disappointed with…

sometimes thats a problem when a company cares more about shareholders than their player base.
im glad i didn’t have any hope for that reveal. that was… sad.

Unfortunately copying from one game to another is really basic today, and thats why all of the games comes and goes. They just want to make it quick, and cheap so they can gain a lot of profit.

Lets say they want to make this game right with budget reasonable modifications (which it seems they trying). If they can make itemization, skill effects, mob affixes and effects, soundtrack right which means effect fits in theme, really well thought ideas for dungeons and items and skills stats, then they would have a really good base to build on.

It dont have to be perfect if they have a really good fundamental settled for the game they can expand and/or add new features to make it better.

Absolutely not, stop with the D2 BS, they should not ever try and recreate a D2, they should leave those outdated mechanics behind and learn from all the Diablos, the current modern ARPGs and give us a huge open world with modern ARPG mechanics called DIABLO 4

Give it a rest with D2

and the problem is also the damage ratio of weapons in d2 2 handed mazes could do what 600 dmg? of base weapon dmg, in D3 i saw 2400 dmg one hand weapons when u multiply this by ur 2000% crit enhanced damage it starts to give very high numbers.

I don’t know exactly what you are on about, but my post was just to point out how clueless OP is, since he said that D2 is the best thing ever and somehow D4 is shaping to be like D3, when you can clearly see that itemization wise it looks a lot more to D2.

I also hate the “D2 is the best thing ever” crowd, but you should dial it back a bit. Itemization in D2 (as in what stats and how they affect your build) is actually quite better than D3 and there’s no harm in using that as a baseline ( which they clearly are if you look at the affixes I posted).

Its so weird how people read things into texts.

My post is not about wanting a 2nd D2 or being a fan boy. This post is about pointing out whats currently not hitting the mark from my point of view.

If you think about it D2 was a masterpiece in its OWN TIME.
Everything was in place, everything was fitting the theme, the lore, and the atmosphere. The execution quality was really high compared to what technology they had to use at that time.

In D3 we got something which is called Diablo 3 but the lore gut butchered, the effects were off and “cheap” for a diablo game, the whole execution behind the game, how they build it up was just “cheap” in my eyes. The game was lacking original ideas.

As for D4 i want it to be Diablo 4 not Diablo 2, but what i want is to be Diablo 2 level of quality. We already saw some really cool stuff mechanic, or the openworld or characters ( which seems to be quality stuff except a few things)

When i mentioned item affixes, or skills or skill effects i saw already things which is lacking quality and i would rather wait 4 5 years for release then getting a 2nd Diablo 3 which i will get bored of after a month or half year.

Just to name some examples: The chasing lighting pulse which is not killable, for me thats like WTF, blizzard have no imagination ? Or as we saw in SWarrior’s post above, the archon transformaton or, the conduit skill.

What is unimaginative about that?

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That’s your problem right here. You’re treating a heavily unfinished product as something that’s set in stone, and completely failing in reading it’s direction.

From what we saw, it should be crystal clear that itemization is heading in a D2 direction and there’s very little of D3 on it, but you completely ignore the points that lead to that and use Crit Chance/Damage to spell doom for merely existing. Crit Chance and Crit Damage are the only things that make it similar to D3, everything else doesn’t, and somehow that translates to you saying that “saw already things which is lacking quality”.

Everything you said about what you think makes items in D2 good are present right now in D4, and that’s just a glimpse of what’s to come.

Your opinion on skills is also highly subjective. You almost literaly said “D2 is great because it is, and D4 isn’t because I didn’t like it”. You quite literaly complained about the lack of “completeness” of skills in a very early pre-alpha gameplay footage. Think about that for a second.

We also know almost nothing about Key Dungeons, and you complained about it’s execution. We know almost nothing about it, but you thought it lacked depth somehow.

You seem to be a blind customer type, if you didnt noticed anything from the already existing videos. Let me ask you a question.

Do you think you should stay quiet about something you dont like or do you need to speak up? From my point of view Blizzard is a company and we are customers, now they want to make something which customers want right ? Then why wouldn’t i state out these things ? If im paying for something, i want to get as best version of it as possible so obviously i will write down what i dont like.

As for item affixes if you check D3 affixes they also pretty much alike D2 and see where it went…

Its true that the product is not yet ready thats why (AS I ALREADY mentioned a couple of times) i wrote down what i see off at the moment, i might be wrong, i might be correct, but if this might help devs why would i stay quiet. Feedback is very well needed whether YOU like it or not , people will agree or disagree and based on that devs will see if its worth considering it as easy as that.

On the other hand i never wrote anything which would make people flame/hate the current D4, If you would read my comments as is you would see that i already stated D4 is indeed going to a good direction, but all these are my opinions you can agree or disagree but stop the worthless word twisting crap.

Instead flaming and focusing on me, please write down what you dont like at the moment about D4 so devs can have a more clear picture what customers want.

I mean… I’m here point out everything I think you got wrong from D4, based on what we saw and what info we got acessible to us, and I’m the one here who’s aparently blind and didn’t notice anything from the already existing videos? Guess I’m done here. I’ll leave you be.

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Maybe i did got wrong, i can be wrong, these were my thoughts, but hey anyways thanks