Diablo IV Everything i see OUT OF THEME at this moment

Path of Exile, but to be honest, Diablo 3 is the outlier here not path of exile. Most games that implement crit do well in balancing to make sure it isn’t a over ruling stat.


That’s an interesting post, even without specification a long time fan can be recognized here, but let’s not forget that D4 still on a very early development.
I would like to see Tomes & Shrine from D1, it was a cool hunt for power.
I’m aware about the kind of work David Kim did on SC2, we can totaly trust that D4 (in the start) will be way more balanced than D1, D2 or D3, I don’t beleive that everything is going to be perfect though.
The only mechanic I would like to be reassessed and reviewed is the use of elemental magic, the 3 elements (fire, cold and electricity) should require Mana as a ressource, why not a 3rd bubble for that? Otherwise, what’s the point for a player to roll a Sorceress? In D2 and D3 and I rolled a Sorceress / Wizard only to understand the class, I have never rolled a pure spellcaster to grind anything, but this mechanic should define a class potential under this legacy.

Anyhow, what worries me a bit is the classes lore, did the Rogues rebuilt their Sisterhood? What’s the news from Skovos? Did Cassia trained an army of Amazons. I would like a little effort regarding the classes, characters and the land in general.
A novel, a cinematic, anything would be good and could help the whole D4 team, imagination is the source of creation.

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i get you and i agree,
but in this aRPG, it could be done in a sober but satisfying way.

This is the biggest bit of dribble I’ve ever read in my life…

You didn’t even investigate half your points properly, and just seem like another D2 fanboy who’s still after the breasts of that girl who dumped you and made you cry, because they were the best you’ve ever had, the only difference here is you can just go back and play D2.

You didn’t check the current Diablo 4 item affixes list, or how things synergise on a system that’s not even finalised and gave a worthless comparison…

Is absolutely nothing like D3, which is literally select skill / rune, in D4 you have to build through talents / items to empower specific builds for skills (pays to look at the cold talent tree for Sorc for Diablo 4 to get the point here, seeing it’s the example you used for Sorc from D2 to see how it’s both progressive and empowering to cold builds - yes it could do with more branches and twigs, but you can see the idea)

The game is Diablo 4, not Diablo 2 which has so many short comings it’s not funny, I’m not saying it is like Diablo 3 or should be (it shouldn’t). I’m saying Diablo 4 should be it’s own game, with it’s own customisations, skills, talents, itemisation, affixes…


100% agree with that. as much as i love the old games i can still play those so D4 should be new and unique. i’m really hoping for the best! :crossed_fingers:t4:

I love the D4 Sorceress Conduit skill! it looks so unique and spell effects don’t seem over the top like the Wizards in D3. although i rather do love the Wizards Archon skill… so cool to look like a space person! hehe :blush:

I don’t want to be that guy, but just without thinking to much I would say in PoE there are these attributes and they don’t rule over everything, in most leagues they aren’t even in the top 3 builds.

It is all about balance and how they will put this, there is literally not enough information about damage calculation and how chd impacts skills.


Crit chance and crit damage simply being there isn’t the problem; it’s the amount you can get with both affixes and it was simply too high in D3.

Because of how much you can get with both, they alone make up a significant proportion of a character’s overall power thereby making other affixes weak by comparison.

Putting in crit damage and crit chance doesn’t necessarily turn itemization into garbage; there’s nothing inherently wrong with either of them. But when you have too much of both, that’s when the problem shows up. You can roll with 500% crit damage and 50% crit chance in D3; these quantities are absurd.

If they cut down how much crit damage and crit chance items can roll in D4 then it should be fine.

You dont have to agree with me, i wrote down what i think and thats it,my main focus was diablo 2 diablo 3 and diablo 4 comparison, take it or leave it. I want you and everyone to put out their opinion and see what you or other community members say about it. For me the kind of D4 i want to see is to be pretty close to D2 but with a lot of new and interesting elements which fits the old D2 theme.

If you check the current videos available about the game they are already have a lot of really cool new features and mechanic which for example i like (Seamless transofrmation for druid, or barbarian arsenal system), on the other hand i see risks or rather “TURN DOWN” points for me in current D4 and i felt i must share it since other people might feel the same way.

On last note. Constructive ideas opinions allways welcome, and i’d love to see people putting out their ideas regarding themes and how they see, or wish to see the new D4 game since its early and god knows i might hit a valid point here?!

It’s not about me agreeing with you, it’s about what’s in those comparisons, which you didn’t even investigate the Diablo 4 content properly.

You’re locked into a horrible way of thinking that isn’t constructive towards Diablo 4 in the least, it’s driven by nostalgia, and nostalgia is corrupt.

Unfortunately you see only one side of this “coin”.

If Nostalgic feeling would be such a bad thing this game would never be called Diablo xxx again nor devs ask for feedback or people getting hyped about this :slight_smile:

Anyways if you don’t see the similarities with D3 thats fine, i do see similarities and i point them out.

As a side note i would love to see what you think what could be better based on what you saw regarding the game,

Thank you.

Why not just get rid of crit damage entirely? It’s such a boring stat.

I see the side, where you didn’t investigate the content of Diablo 4 and started making comparisons when you have absolutely no idea.

The other ironic part here is, look at the depth of your responses towards Diablo 2, it’s clear you have a bias. I don’t think you understand your own metaphors.

The points you have at similarities I’ve already debunked up above, and you literally haven’t investigated at the depth required what’s been shown for Diablo 4.

This is not Diablo 2, which is a horribly dated game that only fanboys who have to squint to see what they’re still playing (which they actually have no idea), this is not Diablo 3, which is ruined by it’s absolutely insane modifiers and difficulty levels that don’t actually increase difficulty.

Stop trying to compare it at all.

There is always going to be a theoretical best build.

But as long as there’s no infinite difficulty and the devs reasonably balance the game, it won’t matter if you choose to play something else.

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Another guy trying to make a d2 from d4. Move along, ladies and gentlemen.

The idea with crit damage is getting a lucky shot that does more damage than usual. Lucky shots that cause crit damage can open the way for spontaneous and dynamic gameplay. At the very least, it makes it less predictable and keeps players on their toes depending on how things play out.

Having none at all or making crit chance / damage occur so often it’s a foregone conclusion makes the gameplay very predictable where things are timed down the millisecond and that’s boring.

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About crit chance and damage, i dont think its a good option in diablo. If you think about it why we need to depend on lucky damage in a game ?

So what im trying to say here is, i dont want crit chance or crit damage to make a build more fun or more viable.

What i always loved in diablo is to make a build and then tweak it with items or runes.

eg: Amazon, you have immolation arrow and a simple build where you use this skill, you add piercing shot passive, or bow which gives your skill, pierce through enemy. and it turns into a hell of a fun and dependable build.

eg: Or Multishot when you start shooting 3 arrows and you get a bow which turns your basic attack into fire bolt or immolation arrow.

For me these were really fun and memorable moments when i discovered these stuff in diablo 2 and made my builds into something really fun.

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Critical hit chance is TOTALLY fine (kind of like a double damage on single hit).

But not every char should profit from it… either make it an unique affix either for legendaries or a unique passive talent tree, whatever just dont stack it into itemization and if… whatever way it returns make it low % proc chance.

Just REMOVE increased critical hit damage and MASSIVE STAT GAIN.

Thats what killed D3 with huge numbers and massive stats.


And turn D4 into a MOBA like LoL (Kennen)


Lightning rush


And Wizzard archon is basically a copy of starcraft how archon looks there… 0 god damn creativity blizzard.

Starcraft 2 Archons

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i’ve never played Starcraft so it’s new to me :woman_shrugging:t4: