Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

Not going to lie, the game looks pretty to me, i like the open-world approach as well. Up to that point, good job. Love it that you are bringing PvP/Trade back.

Howerver the itemization is going in the completely wrong direction, don’t give us Ancient legendaries, unless they add another layer of loot, i.e new abilities & and stats, a numerical buffed otherwise identical upgraded legendary item with the same name is a garbage lazy itemization design. Wake up please.

If you give in to oversimplification Blizzard, you’re shooting yourselfs in the foot, don’t give us arguments about math please(that dev with rhykker), give the game proper stats/affixes, depth! customization! Which is expected from a proper arpg, or you won’t get your core -audience back that you lost with Diablo 3 due to dumbing that game down into a casual consol hack 'slash with terrible itemization, in fact forget about everything Diablo 3 related when it comes to Diablo 4 itemization, starting with Ancient legendaries unless you add another layer of depth with them. Thank you.


Just watched the Diablo IV Artwork panel.
Was very good, make me hope we can zoom in a little closer than was shown in the demo’s. To fully enjoy the little details.

Edit: oh yes, it showed them creating entire content with editors from this new engine. Made me think that making new content won’t be such a slow process. It was very similar to Never Winter Nights.

Can anyone tell from the trailer, or from subsequent demo gameplay, whether or not weapons are used in Diablo 4? By that I mean in D3, weapons were never really swung into enemies, they are just on your character while you cast spells/perform skills.

I’m wondering if we might go back to the D1/D2 style where you get perks from your weapons, but their damage is actually damage inflicted by poking the bad guy with them, and your skills and spells are their own thing.

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I hope you will not be creating a male version of Amazon

No male version? Why the heck not? Get rid of the name and replace it with Archer or Hunter instead. This is Hell, not Paradise Island.

  • Also, I am not a fan of an “Ultimate Skill”, like D3 Archon (Wizard) or Vengenance (DH) because the game becomes stagnant very quickly when you are stuck playing the same power build in order to advance further in the game. Not only that, but every other player will be using the same ultimate version of the character. What I’d like to see instead is a balancing of ALL skills. Since the skill/talent trees are back from D2, then the more you invest in any one skill should eventually equal the power level of any other skills. Of course, it should take longer to achieve this for skills that become available earlier in the game than for skills that are acquired later.

  • More stash space, please! Let each character have its own chest, with maybe a separate “community” chest where all characters have access to it and can swap items in that chest.

  • As for MMO, I’m not entirely against running into other players during game play. After all, we don’t live on a desolate planet IRL. I like the idea of running across other players or even groups battling their own demons/monsters. A good option would be for players to control whether their game can be joined by other players. That way, while you may still run across other players, they cannot join you in combat unless you give them permission, and vice versa. Maybe there can also be a toggle to choose whether or not to “see” other players.

  • Another suggestion would be to make the D4 world dynamic. One of the biggest gripes I have with D3 is how static it is. Every time I create a game, it’s more or less the same layout, with the same tired areas to explore and the same loot to be found. How about a world whose layout changes every time you enter? With quests and dungeons whose objectives are also random. This way, you never know exactly what you’ll be tasked to accomplish, what you’ll discover along the way, and what you may uncover to enhance your character (loot, skills, talents, cosmetics, etc). A dynamic D4 world would even preclude the need for multiple expansions, unless it would be to add something truly innovative and supplemental to the game (new class, new Act, etc).

  • One thing I did like from D3: cosmetics (pets, wings, pennants). Please add more to D4, MUCH more. I disliked the fact that, after a while, Menagerist gobs wouldn’t drop anything because I had collected all of the available pets. These cosmetics make the game much more interesting and it’s a great challenge to find and collect them. I also disliked the idea that certain cosmetics were only available for a certain time. Make them pesistent so that they can be found during any season. If microtransactions are necessary, then this is a good place to implement them. But don’t be stingy with the free cosmetics, please! :grin:

  • Lastly, I don’t want a rehashed/reskinned/remastered D2 or D3. That can be done separately. Some small elements from those games are okay, but the fewer the merrier. I want a whole new gaming experience. I don’t want to have waited 15+ years just to play another iteration of D2 wearing a different shade of lipstick. I get that some vociferous people like that game, but most of us want something NEW to play.

PS: There are A LOT of great ideas from other people on this thread.


Old as well been playing Diablo since its inception, gee I played my first RPG on the Sinclair ZX81 and spectrum how many people here remember that. I have never really contributed to any forums, but I know the Diablo community is huge, passionate and very outspoken. For those that have played the series for a longtime looking back, there are always things you do and don’t like with each iteration of the game. I have always played single player(mostly because my playing time and days off/work demands never allowed) or so i thought for joining a clan. It annoyed me when Blizzard announced Diablo 3 would not be playable offline but got used to it quickly. Im fairly impressed and excited as well for what Diablo IV may hold for us all, in all honest i think Blizzard has done a great job over the years of giving us what we want, and i dont know about some but for me Diablo has always been the game i come back to, sometimes even after a 1-2 year break, it just always pulls you back in and i dont expect that D4 will be any excpetion to that in the series. It looks like the team at Blizzard is trying their best to give us a game that will awe all of us and i cant wait to see the finished product.


I remember the Sinclair, back in the days long ago. The choices when I bought my first computer were TRS-80, Sinclair a Heathkit computer a Z80 I think an Atari 130.
As I remember it anyway, I ended up with an Atari 130 as my first.

Let’s say I’m somewhere in the middle - I don’t play with all stats on screen but I don’t hide the UI either, even though I probably could, after playing some of the builds for so long. Cooldowns and buffs/debuffs are those pieces of information I definitely can’t do without.
I’m mostly frustrated with non- togglable UI elements when it comes to shooting/casting/running in a certain direction and I move the cursor to a corner/edge of the screen to do so. Obviously, when there’s a UI element (e.g. chat window, quest tracker, minimap) in that spot and it becomes active instead, the intended action goes to hell. Now, one part of the problem is in me because it’s not necessary to move the cursor all the way to the very edge. I know that I can do the same action even if it is close to my character, just oriented towards the desired destination. On the other hand, I think it’s a pretty normal reaction for anybody to make wide swipes with the mouse when they’re in a tough situation and have to do something very fast (especially when a Hardcore character is at stake).


Just thoughts on new character archetype, what about Demon\Creature class?

Resource system: call of evil & tranquility
Weapons: Different attributes of hell, mystic, ritual, symbolic stuff

Background history:

The first generation of nephalems were called the Ancients. It is believed that they set out exploring, seeking answers, attempting to understand the world in which they lived. Tyrael would later believe that some early nephalem were born more demon than angel…

If angels can betray their own kind and humanity why Demon can’t give up on serving the prime evils.

Well done.

I am curious, but not hyped. I need way more answers before I can even begin to hype.

My time is limited, and things I need answers on are things that only will be available post launch. I will however keep an eye out, and I really hope the developers listen and take note from the fans.

Thanks for the spark, we needed it.

Please make sure you include Macs in the PC department. I along with many others are still very sad about being dropped with the release of Overwatch. I have been a devoted Blizzard supporter since the original Diablo and I have only used Macs since 2004. Dont just assume that people will bootcamp it because I will not. I will just play something else. I used to love Blizzard but I stopped playing HOTS around the time they released Overwatch without Mac support. I used to play WOW all the time but now I just get a bad taste in my mouth while playing. I already bought the Warcraft 3 refresh but I guess that may be the last Blizzard product I buy. Sad days…


Dear Blizzard,
I am a big Diablo fan and really loved D4 reveal. Thank you. Gameplay: I LOVED the climbing and dash and would love it even more with some puzzles and jumping. Not to much of it. But here and there, if you don’t jump, you fall in a pit and instantly die. Some fields may have fences you can jump over and so on. Some puzzles in dungeons would be awesome too. Not to hard, NOT TO OFTEN, but randomly generated, logic associations puzzles, say, one per dungeon or so would be nice. This way it does not break the game flow. I love ARPG as they are, but I’ve always believed small mechanics like this would really help the gameplay.

Thank you!

P.S.: I played 1k+ hours of D3, never was interested in seasons…MY STASH IS FULL and I am forced to do seasons to get more room in my chest. Please make it different in D4…I like collecting ancients to try different builds, but not enough stash room…

Hello Blizzard and Community! My first Impression of Diablo 4 is very positive, great Art, nice Designe, Dark Overlay. But theres still some things that i think bugging some Players. I kinda like the Diablo 3 Combat Engine but it would be nice if the Fans get something new or slightly changed about the Combat System for Diablo 4 because the Gameplay feels the same as the 8 Years old Diablo 3, why should the Fans play the same Combat Engine again? And my other thoughts are about the Endgame and Skill Variations.

First of all i have to mention the Game: Path of Exile, with the Mapping System that would fit perfectly into Diablo 4, diffrent Maps and Places where People able to grind Items and Kill Bosses. Hey theres the Arcane Sanctuary from Diablo 2, a cool Place in Space where People can Teleport into new Dimensions and Areas to fight Monsters, that would be awsome and would fill and fit the Endgame alot.

Second Thought: I guess everyone is hoping for more Skill Variations. I love it that Diablo 4 got the old Skills back from Diablo 2, this is great give us more! It would be awsome if you can change those Basic Skills with Runewords or somethingelse that splits the Builds from a Basic Build into something new and self created that turns any Build into alot new Variations! Dont forget Paladin, Amazone, and Necromancer. People Love Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, thats Diablos Home.

And i have to mention that long Cooldown Times on Skills and Potions are Super annoying and shoulndt be in the Game at all, also wheres the Mana Potion gone? More Love for Mana Potions and less (No) Cooldown Time Please. :slightly_smiling_face: People also like to craft Weapons and Armor why isnt this in the Game? A crafting Mechanic would also give Players the Chance to craft some Items that they like to use in theire Builds.

Cant wait for the Game hope it will be super awsome as everyone expecting!

Regards and all the Best.


I hope to see more interactive environments like traps, bridges that break when you walk over them etc. I think PoE does a great job of that.

Diablo 4 looks sick! I know it’ll be quite a while before it’s released but I’m so hyped for it!

My one and only hope is that they release with Witch Doctors. I absolutely LOVE them and I think they would do very well in this darker chapter in Sanctuary’s history.

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D2 was so easy to jump into games full of players to trade, battle, quest, etc. This was the most enjoyable part of the game for me and kept me playing the game for gosh… decades?

I feel in D3 that was completely lost. I’ve never even beat D3 because it bored me that I felt forced to play alone or maybe I just never understood how to find other players. So I hope that D4 has a multiplayer system more like the classic battlenet.

Also barbarian really doesn’t fulfill my want for a standard fighter class. I hope to see something like a Rogue, thief or paladin class.

Everything else looks great. I love the dark theme so far.

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I’m not looking forward to paying you for another MMO when you just finished making me never want to encounter another toxic soul in the one I’m already paying for.

Though I’m sure you will find a way to utterly destroy what is left of D3 in time to extort it out of me.

When did we ask blizzard to make Diablo into WoW? What is wrong with all of you cheering this on. We have this game already.


I don’t like the idea of max level 40 at launch and I really don’t like the idea of raising character and item level every time an expansion comes out either. In Diablo 2 I liked the 99 character lvl cap and what it meant to have a lvl 99 character. A lot of people never got to that point and the ones that did were respected for it. I’d really like to see that changed, make it a challenge to reach max lvl! Another thing is the itemization so far, I still don’t know how I feel about having legendaries and ancient legendaries. Why not just meaningful legendaries and mythic items? I hated how D3 introduced legendaries then ancient legendaries, oh and wait, primal ancient legendaries… I think something better could be done.

I do enjoy the fact that Blizzard is trying to make each character and their skills unique to that character. I hated how D3’s character skills all looked similar from class to class. I feel like they were on the right path when the necro was introduced.

I’m glad there will be no pay to win and I’m 100% ok with cosmetic micro transactions and for extra stash space for hoarders like myself. It really looks like a solid start for D4 and looks like blizzard may be on the right track. I always loved Diablo 2 and it looks like they’ve wisened up and gone back to their roots, but also introducing next level action rpg elements as well.


I think they mislabeled the heading, should say “Diablo 3.2 announcement discussion”

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About time :slight_smile:

Loving the way D4 looks!!! Its nice and dark, looks amazing.