Diablo III | PTR 2.7.0 Has Ended!

Eh, close enough. Couple of hours here and there…

I am thinking it might start early afternoon today. I do not normally mess with the PTR I like to be surprised during the Season. But I will check it out to see the follower configuration.

I’d say it’s minimum of 4-5 hours away. Maybe even more. The PTR has never had any sort of consistent start time.

We’ve had some early and late ptrs start times.

Personally, I always expect late ptrs start times.

Regardless of the start time, I had 2’ of snow over night so I will be inside for a few days. Today is perfect day to start the PTR for me. :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow:


If only someone had made a thread about that yesterday…


Oh come on, really? The game mechanic forces you to play some solo GRs. That’s NOT solo play. I could also say you play in group when using a follower. He is around you and boosts your effort/stats as well. So it’s group play and EVERYONE benefits from group play. Some more (REAL group players) and some very view (“Solo” players with follower). But that would be stupid, wouldn’t it?

For me these are 2 completely different toppics:

  1. The gap between Solo and Group play.
    This is not caused by the season themes. It’s caused by the game mechanics itself and I’m really glad for all those solo players out there that finally the first step in the right direction is done. That’s what this patch is trying to improve.

  2. The Seasonal theme or the absence of it in Season 23.
    Blizzard itself allways anounced the seasonal theme as “Season of …”
    This time they didn’t because they know exactly this is NOT a theme.

Anyway. I wish you much fun with the upcoming season.

I doubt it will be the same BS wont have the power after the 4th cube slot gone. And other trash killer got nerfed WD. Will prob be nec poison sythe again.

The new follower system is awesome.

But, the followers is just for the single player mode.

As a player who really like playing D3 with my family, friends, and the players who I meet in public rooms, I truly want to have the new follower experience in the multiplayer mode.

Maybe, in the single mode, the player can have three followers at the same time.

In multiplayer mode, each player can have one follower.

Please think about it, I appreciate for that.

What’s funny is the ignorance shown in your statement.

what time does this start on the 25th?

Been hanging out in Bluddsheds stream, one of the community managers went in there cause we were going crazy, most likely late afternoon, no definitive time. Also keep in mind this would be their time zone.

thank you, considering i’m EST thinking by 8pm like seasons

I think they are attempting to balance the solo play vs group play. You did hit the nail on the head with the dps not being increased in the followers making it not as advantageous as it first appears. I can see that it could be great for a solo play season and yes, the group players dipped out. There are a lot of both types of players. I guess they are truly attempting to balance it out across the board but as you said earlier it looks like it will need changes. That’s what PTR is for… maybe they’ll listen.

I fully agree. The set for spirit barrage is the strongest set so far, that’s true, but only because the others are so weak that no one wants to play them! They had received almost no care for a very long time. Mundunugu is now able to put a maximum of 135-140 on the solo gr, and it’s still a really hard way, if you give him a nerf he will be thrown in the trash and wd will be the weakest character in the game !!! This is not a good idea!


I guess they will clarify but it seems some people are right in it not being completely clear. It can be read to say that this may not be season 23 or it might. It could certainly seen to be a permanent change. I figure they will clarify that beyond doubt at some point.

The easiest test is when PTR starts, if it is there if you do not start a season character and use an existing character, that answers the potential question.

Hi everyone - PTR 2.7.0 is now available for download and testing. PTR Feedback and Bug reporting sections are also available for your posts. See you there!



It’s non-seasonal too. So this may not be a season 23 patch perhaps an overall patch. I am sure they’ll do an official announcement sooner or later.
See for yourselves. cheers

doing s23 for the pet - finally the green flying dragon <3


Hi Blizzard. You already nerf the WD removing the Enforcer Gem effect. Now you remove the Glazing Demise bonus. You’ve kill the only viable build of WD and WD were the less played class as they are the worst ones. Please take a look at the leader boards and see when was the last time a WD hit 150… it was when Enforcer was active. Please, reconsider the ban to WD