Diablo III crash

EB6C23A2-B3A3-4A55-BF6A-B76A2D9857DA this is the report ID that i get every crash.

Maybe have a look in the technical support forum?
Have you tried a “scan and repair” from the battlenet app/launcher?


That number can only be used by Blizzard – the Report it references might have some details on your crash that could provide useful info on the reason for the crash. You can contact Blizzard with a ticket here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/contact/279/ticket . Provide the Report ID in your ticket.

There is some troubleshooting that you can try here:

The words in blue are links to additional information. If you haven’t done any troubleshooting at all, that’s a good place to start. If you’ve done some of these, please try the others as well.

If you’ve done all those steps and would like the community to try to help, then post in the Technical Support forum and provide a copy of

  • the D3Debug.txt file (there are probably 2 such files… the one you want is the one with today’s date and probably located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64), and

  • the DxDiag.txt file – steps for creating the DxDiag.txt file can be found here: Blizzard Support - Obtaining System Files

Both of these files can be quite large… please paste their content between 2 lines of 4 tildes to help in readability… as in:

Paste your file here...

Good luck !


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  4. Save your edit.

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