Diablo II & Diablo II Resurrected (MrLlamaSc) - Lets Talk

Clearly you dont understand what putting a “” means. Botting and dupes deflated item cost so enjoy that 20sojs turning into 40. Better yet, enjoy the item only being sold on forums for cash.

The reason people leave D2 is because there are only a few hours of content. Once the story is over the gameplay loop is just run enough times to gear out or burn out. Most people can not handle 1000s of runs of anything. They realize there are diminishing returns on their time investment after a certain point and quit. It will always have a small core group of players in the end as only those people truly enjoy the loop or are hellbent on achieving something in game.

I quoted you exactly as you stated it. Clearly you don’t know what your own comments mean…

Botting, especially early botting completely destroys the value of mid to high range items, making the trade gap between them and the high runes ginormous. With high runes being duped in the early days like nothing the chance of getting one outside of cheating was harder.

More factors in there to consider.

You missed the quotes around feature…i put quotes around it to infer sarcasm…and you responded as if i actually think its a feature. So yeah…

Every single game can be broken down to these simplistic terms.

Video gaming comes down to one simple concept. You press a button, you get a reward, you feel good about the reward, you press the button again.

For some people this is racing a car, or dunking a basketball, or shooting a gun, or casting a spell etc.

For those who obsessively enjoy D2, it is about the elation of receiving that random drop. That feeling of seeing that rare item.

It is true that D2 is all about running the same thing thousands of times. For those who enjoy this game, it is what they do.

Players like you who want that to change should probably find another button to press for another reward. Players who clearly enjoy this reward have been doing it for decades.

Most people quit D2 either because the endgame wasn’t fun, or because they were only interested in beating the game and moving on. I do think there’s a fair bit of repeatability to be had from the 7 classes and how unique they all feel, and I’ll concede D2 did that right compared to D3, but I think a lot of people are going to drop right out of D2R once they’re done.

Player counts will die down and within ~6 months of launch, unless major changes are made to the game, it will only be played by bots, hackers, and the handful of hundred super hardcore people who will whine that the game died and it’s overrun by bots.

You guys are basically making your bed refusing modernization and changes to this game, even though an outstanding majority of the playerbase actually wants them. You’re just flocking behind Mr. Popular Streamer because he said what you want to hear.

Thankfully Blizz is sending out surveys to a lot of people, not just the hardcore fans. So everyone’s opinion will be heard. Will they care? That remains to be seen. But trying to silence people who want change is childish and stupid.


But who cares? Blizz will get their sales of games and they don’t care whether you access that game for a week or 5 years.

Why is everyone so concerned about making a game that a newer audience will enjoy? We have D3. We will have D4.

This is just an updated version of an old game. So many of you are talking about trying to reinvent the wheel to expand the player base. Screw that. Make an honest representation of a 20 year old game, and let the players play it for the nostalgia.

Every game is repetitive. Name me any game and I can break it down to button presses and repetition. Quit trying to fix something that isn’t broken. That is what sequels are for.


I didn’t say I want it to change, that’s just the game. I will play my few hundred hours and be satisfied. There is literally no game I will play for decades.

Alternatively, you can have selectable options that allow players to relive their 20 year old nostalgia and in parallel have options for an improved modern game that appeals to a broader playerbase.

It is not either/or. It can be both.


It’s all a matter of whether or not there is enough financial or reputational value in developing these options. Will additional options cause more people to buy the game? Will they enjoy it more and invite their friends to play, and will it prove to bring people back every few years to play again. Or, will each small change be seen as a slight to the fans who currently come back every ladder or every couple of years, causing them to spread bad PR.

Being video starting at charms, I would agree with Lama limiting it too 4x4 space in stash, but doubling the stats of current charms, so +2 to skill instead of 1, and so forth. Will still be a slight nerf being only able to use 4x4 space, but will still be powerful enough to make a meaningful difference.

I have a similar amount of hours as Llama though i wish i didn’t.
I disagree with nerfing inventory space since that significantly alters the pvp status quo which should be preserved. The Charms-only inventory if done as i’ve suggested is less intrusive since you will inevitably have to go back to town once your charms inventory is full. Ultimately you don’t just have infinite space - charms that you don’t use but want to keep go into normal inventory space. Ultimately, a lot of people as it is AND especially the people who normally bot will probably be here crying about the lack of inventory space at some point early after release. A charms-only inventory allows duelers to pick up items and most of the botters are running incredibly well-geared duelers. ULTIMATELY - i’d rather NO alteration of the inventory status quo than VV do it and make some of the other wild changes that have been proposed in the reddit survey or otherwise.

Don’t disagree with much else he said. Its not really different than what was already said here especially with respect to itemization https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/dqqzmx/a_question_diablo_4_devs_should_be_asking/

so the goal here for purists is to keep d2 at patch 1.14d for the next 20 years? i am sorry but that’s just boring man. i want to see a shake up of the meta to keep things interesting instead of the same stale builds/play styles people run for 1.5 decades. i for one am all in favour of continued development. if people don’t want any changes, there is always d2 2000 for you.

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I think it’s infinitely better for the dev team to do both. Let the players that want the balance as-is have it, and make update patches for the people that want that.

For me, I would play both. I play SC/HC Classic/LoD both, so 1 extra thing to have a little fun on would be great!


Correct. I suspect that if they keep in D2R

  1. D2 classic
  2. D2/LoD classic
  3. D2/LoD modern

Then it appeals to both players who like the status quo and also a modern audience.


So, isn’t it a contradiction to say this and then say the player base should be further divided by adding more optional realms, like so many are? Because, yes, the player base will probably be greatly diminished within 6 months, and by the time D4 is released it might be like D2 is now. That is the reality, no “QoL” changes will affect that.

Also, curious as to what changes encompass a “modern” D2 experience? We are already getting changes. What do you guys have in mind? And what makes you think everybody will be satisfied with that? Because if you just want personal-loot you might get stuck with more changes you don’t want. And don’t just assume people against personal-loot are purists that want no QoL changes or additions to the game. And do you also want a charm inventory? And even mods? Because people are asking for that now. I just don’t think you can have two realms that satisfy everybody. It might just open the door to more issues and complaints. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to keep the changes conservative, all being on one realm (existing realms), and having personal-loot on a game-to-game basis? Right now if I’m in Blizzard’s shoes I’m not making additional realms, and you guys can quote me on that if I’m wrong :slight_smile:

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I was on high school when d2 and lod came out…the magic was our age and the fact that online gaming was new! I mean the game is super dated and purist honestly just don’t know any better! This guy is younger then me and just got sucked in!!! so he was what in middle school???yeah that would add to the magic lol!!! The lack of everyting will not keep players around and a stroll down memory lane is not worth 39.99 to some …mind numbing Baal or meph runs for little to no reward just because purist are stuck in the past trying to relive some strange glory days about a game that died and is hardly spoken about by new age or modern gamers! Hell this genre is pretty much dead with Mobas and RTS aka phone games in this day n age rip RTSez!

It’s clear we need a modern ladder one with the qol and all the things proposed in blizzards survey!

The classic or purist ladder will only make up 5-15% of the games population if they are lucky that’s a strong maybe! Most people right now if they saw a modern ladder with personal or instanced loot you would see a massive amount of pre orders and I think the radio silence from blizzard is because they are going to give us both a modern and purist ladder it’s the only sane thing to do! You can keep the 15%ish of the old school player base happy and make a ton of money and prove a valid point ppl want d2 but they want a updated polished d2 not 1.14 he’ll give me older versions before 1.14 lol

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game is fine leave inventor alone!

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You guys are too stuck on this “purists” vs “modern” thing. It’s not that simple.

And why do I have to keep repeating myself? My reply to your post is basically my last reply on this thread. And what’s this “modern”…word choice? Just say what it is, FFA vs personal-loot, no need to be overly verbose with this “modern” Diablo, which is just the same, old Diablo with D3 loot. And you know what, I didn’t even say I was against ploot…I was actually more addressing the idea of having more realms.

All I see is that you guys are insulting the game, putting it down, all in an effort to try and prove what? The game is bad? That the game needs personal-loot? The game’s selling point is literally that it is a remaster of a classic game. It’s not meant to be D4, or WoW, it’s revenue will be from initial sales. From nostalgic fans? Absolutely. What you guys want is D4. Making a few controversial changes is going to turn the game into a mega hit. I get the angle you guys are trying to take though… I hope the game has a healthy, active population for a long time, but I just don’t see it from a remake, even a remake with “QoL” changes.


Saw this in another thread, and it’s exactly what I’m talking about. We all want different things. The person that made that thread literally labeled his idea as a “QoL” change.