Diablo II & Diablo II Resurrected (MrLlamaSc) - Lets Talk

What? No…

D2 was never meant to be “ending”. That’s why countless items are so rare. The story is done quickly, and the difficulty increases norm to nightmare to hell. Hell is the endgame, and the game isn’t as easy as some of you remember. Its rather hard without gear or beginner gear. You will die lots.

The true Endgame of D2 is the item hunt for the best items, and then trade and roll new characters, as well as PVP for some.

4 Hours to complete Act 1?

What do you do for 4 hours in act 1?

Some of them, true. Not majority.

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Some items you just never see, some people need to get more comfortable with that idea.


Kill every monster I find, clear every corner, check every magic item I got, look at different things, listen to music.

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No we dont lol, i have no problem strolling down memory lane and deleting the game, i wont be the one on the forums complaining that we dont have the population to support the games economy 6 months after launch. Im advocating for the game to facilitate a healthy economy because id like to play it long term, and so would many others, the likely outcome is the same as the original, mass exodous of casual players, with only the hardcore remaining.

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Meh if people leave because they don’t like D2 how it was, I say have fun playing whatever else you choose. I still play D2… I am sure I’ll be okay.

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He’s 29 years old. Not sure if I care too much about how a 5 year old felt about D1.

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agree with any word,but about Diablo 1 :grinning:

Then what is everybody doing here?

D3 was an absolute DUMPSTER fire when it came out. They had to reinvent so many concepts just to make it palatable. It sounds like you either weren’t there, or are too young to make this kind of statement.

Also, forums are now locked down and censored far more than it was back then. Just being rude these days can get you a temp ban. It affects the D3 forums, giving a false illusion of positive vibes.

This is mostly the same crowd. Many who quit did not do so because the game got boring or old. They did so because of all the unchecked cheating and hacking.

And that is what this is supposed to be. Wake up. They are not rebuilding a brand here. They are updating a classic old game.

All of these concerns about popularity and longevity need to be copy and pasted over to the D4 discussions. I’d love to see your comments about a re-master of Pac-Man…


Pacman isnt designed around 1/1,500,000 drop rates that demand a community run economy to unlock the games potential. The concerns here are centered around making a game that can have a fair shot at being balanced for thoes who wish to invest in it long term. Your claim that people left because of hacking and botting are baseless, the largest d2 community was founded on these “features”.

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It’s why I left. It’s why almost all of my friends left. It is cited many times in these forums as reasons others left. That means it is not baseless.

When I was looking for a Vampire Gaze, and the cheapest one I could find was for “20 SOJ’s”, I realized Blizzard let this game get destroyed by hacks and cheats.

Copying items and botting while you are at work all day is not a “feature”.


You can only patch so much into an old battle.net and old game engine. It wasn’t supported as they moved on from north and keys were a plenty. The game itself without these things or at least the normal amount of these things would be perfectly fine. Would be nice if they kept adding content as clearly no new chunks over decade is not good. How do people even expect a game not officially on battle.net to be super healthy and bursting at the seams… the population of D2 at this moment and how it got there should not be some mystery X is just now finding out.

The magic died in 1.10, at least for me. 1.14 won’t hold me nearly as long as the older versions could.

Though, I brought up the topic of nerfs before and was roasted. He’s totally in favor of nerfs and is a hero speaking for the people… ok.

All I’ve learned on this forum is that people here don’t know what they want.


I don’t think the magic died in 1.10. I think it’s still there, lurking behind the scenes.

1.09 was a far superior patch, in my opinion, but 1.10 brought some good things as well as bad. I think my perfect theoretical patch would be something like…

Patch 1.095- Get rid of all the overpowered runewords, keep ubers and new TC85 areas…it sucked that items like Windforce, after players sought them for years and finally found them, were neutered completely after 1.10.

It’s a travesty to think how cool and nostalgic 1.08 grandfather or windforce used to be, and now they’re not much better than goldstrike arch and doombringer in comparison.

Oh well…still stoked for D2R even if it’s going to be a suboptimal patch.

I really liked 1.10 synergies really sold it for me, I get the new rune words kinda made old gear obsolete especially uniques. I am for some nerfs but, I leave that for people who can test high end gear and builds, on the tuning of that. Becuase I don’t think those iconic builds should just be nerfed completely out of the meta. But I think minor buffs/fixs for some other skills is something I would like to see too.

The new rune words were so powerful because the drop rates for the runes were so ludicrous. They never planned on everyone having an Enigma. They would not have broken the game if not for the non stop botting and duping.


Partially true, but I still don’t think the uniques should have been completely neutered from the game. Like, enigma isn’t even the biggest issue, it’s kinda cool for each class to have a movement ability (that’s why most new games give this to each class and it works much better) but, making Grief, Botd, etc so much better than unique counterparts that still have 1/xxxxx drop rates is kinda lame…

That feeling now of “oh yay I found Windforce blah” and then Charsi it because it’s basically useless kinda sucks.

It wasn’t as much of the runewords making the old stuff obsolete, it was the complete over tuning of monster health and immunities that made most of the old weapons fairly underperforming.

It’s so cringe how people keep linking this guy’s videos like he’s opinion matters more than any of us. Hey here’s my confirmation bias video from the only D2 streamer alive.

This guy is not even 30, really doubt he even played D2 at release.

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No, I think I heard him on his stream once say he didn’t…he definitely said he never played much classic, so I think your assumption is likely correct. Any time he plays a classic speedrun, he mentions how it’s not really in his expertise and forgets a lot…I don’t think he played much when D2 was actually popular tbh.