Diablo Anime, Overwatch cartoon

Diablo Anime confirmed on Netflix. As well as a Overwatch cartoon.

Hope it’s cool. Can’t say I’m that excited. I love the CG type cinematics and was expecting something of that caliber.

Who knows maybe they’ll blow us away with super amazing stories.

There’s considerable potential in the Diablo foundation going in that style. We can only hope it’s handled well.

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You should check out the castlevania series on Netflix. It’s great and the style And success of the show is apparently what inspired a diablo anime series.

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Does anyone know when the Diablo anime is being released?

Blizzard makes good video cut scenes. I don’t understand why they have to go the anime route. Is it more cost effective? What led them to this business decision. My ideal Diablo series is dark story telling in D2 with video quality as D3/4.

There’s a mood for anime and I don’t think it’s not for Diablo. But if we all have no choice but anime, I hope they can pull it off.