Diablo 4 - What do you want to hear about?

Maybe… Reasonable statement but also not quite, think the new approach is better tbh, as opposed to increaseing a “passive” stat which is HP, you increase an “active” stat that goes in synergy with skills, talents, or gear

So regardless the reason behind I’d say I still like the new approach… The “unintuitiveness” can be a bit of turnoff, especially at estimating other-class gear. Doubt would be a really hard problem to overcome (or at least hope so), I mean they could implement a feature of “what effect would this item have on my other character/s” for example :thinking: :smiley:

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Honestly, I do like the current iteration of Diablo 4 attribute system, especially with the attributes being used to unlock skill upgrades and node effects. That said, I do believe that every class skill upgrade should have something pertaining to each of the attributes, instead of only 1-2 of them. So for example, a Barbarian whirlwind should have upgrade effects based on strength, willpower, dexterity, and intellect, instead of just strength and dexterity.

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well the attributes just make no sense
they came up with some names and then rotated the effects they provide around the different characters to make it seem more “diverse” and they cant even keep that up for 5 characters and it makes no sense at all for hybrid characters xD

Yep, this is the problem. Not sure if “diverse” is the idea, it’s probably more about having semi-permanent differences between the classes and class identities tbh

Point being, tried a “one system fits all” awhile ago (6 attributes and classes can use only 4), the problem with THAT was gear (and gear affixes, i.e. not being able to use some stuff)

So, guess at the end it’s a matter of trade-offs… Not sure how they could do it better and more intuitive at the same time, so would kinda reserve my judgement (at least except for Druid) for now :thinking:, but STILL, would like to hear what’s their approach :smiley:

well i think that the ADA system was a better idea
as pointed out many times the classic attribute system is kinda antiquated because every barb wants to stack melee damage and every sorc wants to stack magic damage so whats even the point letting you spend points in these things

ADA would actually provide some actual choices apart from stacking main attribute for damage

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apart from that, i tried fixing it some time ago xD

I doubt there will be map randomization other than location of rare locations like those cellars, wells, and other findable but not always present locations, rare mob locations, and possibly local non camp events.

There may be a randomized dungeon, but with how keys will work I’m not so certain that will happen. Honestly random/procedurally generate content is the easy way out of having to design areas withoit purpose or a lot of thought.

With a persistent overworld I can’t see randomization happening much outside what I listed. Dungeons could be possible. There could be a randomized dungeon mode that maps together multiple dungeons and enemies, or even a randomized rift system.

I liked the idea of ADA too but kinda makes the game into less of a “game” and more into a closed lore-based “universe” of it’s own

Kinda like a SC-universe based RPG where your main attributes are “Psi energy, Underlings, Khala, and Void”, and unless you’re like “crazy lore dude” to know what exactly is the point of those and how they “blend in” the gameplay (as opposed to just the lore) chances are there will be people that wouldn’t like to have to bother with it tbh

Personally not against it but the devs decided to go against, probably practical reason behind it but agree, had more interesting invention potential overall :slight_smile:

P.S., they can still incorporate those as part of the end game though :thinking:

I would like to hear more about new skills & the skill system itself, items, attributes, new passive skills and the passive skill system.

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i mean
games always have their lore and its actually a good thing if they manage to blend it in with the gameplay
does it hurt anyone who isnt interested in the lore?
kinda weird argument

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They could add Rivers or Lakes. You need to build a boat to get a across lake etc. Map randomization sounds like the way to go if asked from me. I think sometimes Portal Scrolls should teleport you somewhere else too, making it more random.

Monsters “specs” are random already right? Why not to keep building on it.

That’s what I’m expecting myself. HUGE maps to explore and making “every nook and cranny” worth checking. “Rare dungeon spawns” are something I also hope will be a thing - like a cow dungeon or mass goblin dungeon or some other ideas.

I’d like for them to do what D2 does with Uber Diablo where there is a mass notification to everyone online so that people all login to search for the uber boss.

Same. I’m hoping there is a lot of dynamic-ness to the open world as far as live events that happen.

I’m hoping that they will have not just their dedicated PvP zones but also do the “War Mode” like in World of Warcraft, where you can be PvP flagged anywhere but you also receive maybe a magic find buff or some other benefit.

Definitely one of the most important aspects for me as well. So, I would like to know what progress there is since December/February.

I think it would be interesting if they could create a scale option for players to choose how much population density they want to experience.

I mean D2’s runeword system was solid, so if they can find a way to start with that or maybe do both where you can create actual runewords like in D2 but still have the cause and effect shown at Blizz 19. If it’s not broke don’t fix it.

I agree I like the direction of where they could take it.

They should take it a step further and mix it up such as having some skills where you don’t want to go below 50 dexterity nor above 100 dexterity, another skill bonus you stay in-between 200 strength and 250 strength to keep the skill bonus.

I’d like to hear mostly about their plans for potions/consumables/inventory management.

Potions/Consumables: I feel like there should be 4 potion or flask categories - health, resource, defensive buffing potion, movement speed. I could be talked into the POE flask implementation (minus offensive flasks), with a strict restriction that you could you could only use one of each type above. I think the more things in the game that can be itemized the better. Alternatively, I think using the consumable inventory like the D2 belt slots where you line up health potions in column 1, resource potions in column 2, defense in 3 and movement speed in 4, etc… would also be interesting, but you would lose the itemization that flasks have. I’m just not a big fan of D3’s potion implementation.

Inventory: I don’t think they are bringing back the tetris inventory because of consoles, but I dislike the current inventory tile and item card approach and would love to know their thoughts on inventory management as a whole. This is one of those cases where I think console is interrupting the PC experience and I’d love the tetris style inventory back on PC and just have console be different.

It’s a shared world. Randomness is pointless outside of instanced content.

As of Feb. There is only health potions and resource generating abilities. Doubt that is changing. No point to have have 4 flasks if you are restricted to using only one. Keep it simple in that department. Manage your resources, use defensive and mobility skills and pop health potions if necessary.

As for inventory have you played the console versions of D3? Because D3 PC has a very similar system to D4s and the console version is completely different. D1 was on PS1 and had tetris inventory. Console isn’t a consideration. It’s a design choice to not waste time organizing items. They’d rather you be playing the game.

I am basically on the other side on both these issues.

I am really not a fan of lots of potions, especially the stacking potions system in D2. I think there is a good reason that this system and the sprint system don’t get replicated in modern arpgs.

I think the health globes dropping in D3 mostly invalidated potions but the lack of need to just constantly spam the potion buttons is a massive improvement.

It looks like D4 is going with consumable potions with a cooldown and from what I’ve seen there are not health globes. This seems like a massive improvement to me as it allows gameplay where you’re not always 100% life, which also means death doesn’t have to come in super high damage hits but can also come from death by a thousand cuts.

I don’t see the value in the Tetris inventory to me personally. It adds a mini-game that I’m not very interested in having. The only time I felt it added anything was in D2 where you would have to compete for loot and occasionally this mismanagement would give loot to another player.

I’ve played so much PoE that swapping the items to make space is very quick for me but I’ve never been doing it and thought “yeah, this is the core experience I was looking for here”.
It’s basically a non-issue for people that are used to it but I would honestly prefer my teammates could just pick up and go during the gameplay. Then we can sort stuff in the town.

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Randomization servers the same point in and outside instanced content; allowing for more exploration into the “unknown”.

I dont think random open worlds work
Never seen one
Designing an open world takes a lot of care and love for detail to make it successful similar to Gothic or arguably skyrim (too empty)
A computer can’t do that

An open world is supposed to give you memorable places, atmosphere, etc.

I still find randomness of maps the lazy, and I really despise using that term, way out of having to create a meaningful world with purpose. The world map is static since it’s interconnected. Nothing it besides mobs, secret locations, treasures, and events won’t happen.

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Yes, they confirmed it. Not much of a surprise, since there has never been a Diablo without Hell in it. I mean the game IS called Diablo. With that said, Diablo 3 was pretty minimal on it, only having Hell showing up in Hell Rifts, if I recall correctly. Diablo 2 definitely did better than Diablo 1and 3 in the portrayal of a descent into the underworld.